Cycling is one of the fastest growing transportation modes in Toronto. The City is working to make travel by bike safer and more inviting, which helps ease congestion on streets and transit, creates a cleaner environment, and promotes physical activity. The City supports cycling by building and maintaining infrastructure such as bike lanes and multi-use trails, installing bike parking facilities, distributing bike network maps, and carrying out other campaigns and projects to promote cycling confidence and safe road use behaviour.

Growing, expanding and enhancing the cycling network also contributes to the City’s Vision Zero Road Safety goals, by providing a safe and dedicated space for people cycling, and thus protecting vulnerable road users.

See the 2023 Toronto Cycling Year in Review for a summary of new and upgraded bikeways in 2023, bike parking and Bike Share Toronto statistics, and an overview of recent cycling upgrades and renewal projects throughout the city.

Cycling Network Map

View the Cycling Network Map, which features cycling infrastructure in Toronto, including bicycle lanes, cycle tracks, on-street shared cycling connections and multi-use trails, to plan your next bike trip.

Cycling Network Plan

Learn about Toronto's comprehensive road map and work plan outlining investments in cycling infrastructure now and in the future.

Cycling & Pedestrian Public Consultations

Attend upcoming consultation sessions about new cycling and pedestrian projects either in person or online.

Toronto's Cycling Infrastructure & Projects

See a list of recent cycling network infrastructure projects, and learn about cycle tracks, bicycle lanes, shared roadway routes and multi-use trails.

Bicycle Parking

Learn more about Toronto's bicycle parking facilities, their locations, and how to reserve long-term parking for your bicycle.

Cycling Safety, Education & Theft Prevention

Read about required and recommended cycling accessories, how to navigate Toronto's roads by bicycle, cycling in all weather and seasons, and how to protect against bicycle theft.

Cycling & the Law

Learn about cycling laws, by-laws and guidelines and how to ride responsibly in Toronto.

Cycling Data, Events & Programs

Stay updated about recent cycling surveys and datasets, and the City's partnerships that promote initiatives and programs that raise awareness of cycling as an efficient mode of transportation.

Cycling & Transit

Read about how the TTC, GO Transit, the City of Toronto and non-profit organizations are making it easier to combine your cycling and transit trips.