Author Archives: Daven Hiskey

Hancock: Revere’s Ride

“Listen, my children, and you shall hear, Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere, On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-Five: Hardly a man is now alive, Who remembers that famous day and year.” These are the words of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in his famous 1860 poem Paul Revere’s Ride, which is where most of popular history’s perception of this […]

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Hancock: Igniting the Revolution

As covered in our video: Hancock: The Rise of the Merchant Prince, while remembered today primarily for his John Hancock on the Declaration of Independence, John Hancock’s importance to the American Revolution was vastly more than history tends to give him credit today, including his public protests against the Stamp Act, among others, helping to sway the masses, as well […]

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Shadows of Power: The “Corrupt Bargain” That Changed History and What Really Happened

In 1824, the United States was emerging from the period of the so-called “Era of Good Feelings” during the James Monroe Presidency where there was a relative de-emphasis on party politics thanks to the Democratic-Republican Party more or less existing unchallenged during this time. But the good feelings were about to be gone, and a new era was rising where […]

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Did Hitler Murder His Niece?

As we’ve previously covered in our video What was Hitler Like as a Child?, Adolf Hitler had in some ways a rather nice childhood, centering around an upper-middle class lifestyle and all the opportunities and niceties that entails. But on the other hand, he was regularly severely abused as a child by his alcoholic father, who also regularly abused Hitler’s […]

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How Did Christianity Go From a Tiny Jewish Cult to Rule the Western World So Quickly?

Various religions have been popping up randomly seemingly as long as humans have been humaning- interestingly, not just with humans but our Neanderthal cousins, with signs of some form of religious practices with those Neanderthals going back at least 150,000 years. But one religion founded about 2,000 years ago triggered a marked shift in the way many in the world […]

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Is There Any Actual Proof Jesus Existed?

Throughout history humans have many stories discussing various supposed humans and other beings that we dismiss as legend as a matter of course. Perhaps no source of such legendary figures is more robust than figures related to various religions, with basically no one today, for example, thinking that Hercules ever actually existed, despite the countless and sometimes rather detailed tales […]

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America’s First Power Couple

History often remembers the great men of each era, their very public accomplishments, and the trials and tribulations they may or may not have gone through to get there, sometimes to the extreme. What’s often forgotten in many cases is the men generally didn’t do any of it alone. For most, there was their partner in life beside them supporting […]

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History’s Literal Deadliest Fart

While dropping your drawers and flashing your no doubt abnormally attractive derriere at those you wish to express your contempt for may seem a relatively harmless act, it turns out at one point in history combining said act with expelling the gaseous contents of one’s colon once resulted in the deaths of at least 10,000 humans in what we here […]

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What’s the Safest Seat on an Airplane?

Ah hurtling through the air in a device made of several million parts in a portion of the Earth where the temperature generally sits at -40 degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit and there isn’t enough oxygen or atmospheric pressure to keep you alive. All the while a rather complex combination of a controlled explosion and rapidly spinning parts is both providing […]

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