Searching for spiders

National Park Service leads tarantula hike

NO ARACHNOPHOBES—At top, people walk along a trail as they take part in the Sunset Tarantula Hike at Rancho Sierra Vista in the Santa Monica Mountains on June 23. Hikers were on the lookout for migrating male tarantulas seeking potential mates.

NO ARACHNOPHOBES—At top, people walk along a trail as they take part in the Sunset Tarantula Hike at Rancho Sierra Vista in the Santa Monica Mountains on June 23. Hikers were on the lookout for migrating male tarantulas seeking potential mates.

At right, volunteer leader Abby Pina uses a toy spider to demonstrate how a tarantula attaches its web to something and then lets it out, rather than shooting it. Photos by ROB VARELA/Acorn Newspapers

Volunteer leader Abby Pina uses a toy spider to demonstrate how a tarantula attaches its web to something and then lets it out, rather than shooting it. Photos by ROB VARELA/Acorn Newspapers