Vaccine Education Center

The Vaccine Education Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia provides complete, up-to-date and reliable information about vaccines to parents and healthcare professionals. We are a member of the World Health Organization's (WHO) Vaccine Safety Net because our website meets the criteria for credibility and content as defined by the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety. Learn more about the WHO’s Vaccine Safety Net.

June 2024: Vaccines and Infectious Diseases in the News

Popular Topics

Vaccine History

Vaccine History

Check out our description of vaccine developments by year and decade, and find out when different vaccines were first available.

Learn more.

A Look at Each Vaccine

A Look at Each Vaccine

Find details about vaccine-preventable diseases and the vaccines that protect against them, including disease symptoms, vaccine risks & benefits, and more.

Take a closer look.

Human Immune System

Human Immune System

Learn about the types of immunity, how the immune system develops, how it works, and what happens when it doesn’t work properly.

Learn more.

Vaccine Ingredients

Vaccine Ingredients

Learn about the different types of vaccine ingredients, including antigens, adjuvants, stabilizers, preservatives, and manufacturing byproducts.

Find out more.

Vaccine resources

Vaccine resources

Access or view various resources in different formats, including downloadable Q&As, booklets infographics, videos and more.

Check the resources.

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Age Groups and Vaccines

Age Groups and Vaccines

See what vaccines are recommended for certain age groups, and find tips on how to prepare yourself and other family members, during and after vaccinations.

Learn more.


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Our Team

Our team of scientists, physicians, mothers and fathers are devoted to the study and prevention of infectious diseases.