Mike Perry Shuts Down Jake Paul's Face Tat Bet

DAZN Boxing

Jake Paul's latest fight bet offer was immediately rejected ... with "Platinum" Mike Perry refusing to agree to get a "W" face tattoo if he loses on Saturday night.

El Gallo -- who's known to put wild, sometimes permanent, wagers on the line with his boxing opponents -- laid out the terms of his proposition at Thursday's press conference ... saying if he ends up getting his second career L, he'll rematch Perry in Bare Knuckle FC. But if Jake wins, Perry would have to sport his men's care brand logo on his mug for the rest of his life.

The crowd let out a collective cheer ... and Perry responded by trashing the fans in attendance before slamming the door on the bet.

JoJo Siwa Grins & Bears New Tattoo ... Possibly New Album Art!!!

JoJo Siwa's finally revealing her long-awaited album art, and in a very permanent way -- tattooing her arm with a cuddly image.

The singer hit up Costello Tattoo Studio this week in Sherman Oaks, and got the new ink on her right arm -- a teddy bear with angel wings. Check out the pics ... she's grinning from ear to ear and proudly showing off the piece.

Costello Tattoo tells us their artist Konstantin penned the bear over the course of 2 hours ... and their information is the image is a replica of what JoJo's fans will see on her upcoming album!

Derrick Rose New Face Tattoos!!!

Derrick Rose's face will look a little bit different the next time he steps on an NBA court ... as the Memphis Grizzlies star just got some new ink needled onto the side of his mug.

The 35-year-old point guard got the tattoos done by his go-to guy Jose Guijosa, a.k.a Killer Tattoos, over Memorial Day Weekend.

One sits on his cheek, just to the left of his left ear, and features the letters "AAA" -- which Guijosa tells TMZ Sports is an homage to Rose's wife, Alaina A. Anderson.

Jim Harbaugh Check Out My New Ink ... Fulfills Tattoo Promise

Instagram/ @mikesainristil

Jim Harbaugh's a man of his word ... fulfilling a promise he made to ink his body if they won a national championship -- and his players filmed the whole experience.

The Michigan Wolverines football team met up Saturday to receive their national championship rings ... and, JH lived up to his end of the deal -- sitting down with an artist and getting the Michigan "M" tatted on his right arm.

After Michigan defeated the Washington Huskies in the title game 34-13 back in January, Jim revealed he'd promised his team he'd tattoo their logo with the record "15-0" as a shout-out to their accomplishment.

JOE EXOTIC ENLOQUECe CON EL NUEVO TATUAJE DE MGK Un tigre, metanfetamina y ¡es mío!

El nuevo tatuaje blackout de Machine Gun Kelly le ha encantado a Joe Exotic.

La estrella de Netflix abiertamente suspiró por MGK en X miércoles -desde su cuenta, nada menos- al compartir una instantánea del rapero mostrando su torso superior entintado junto con el coqueto mensaje: "Un tigre y un poco de metanfetamina y puedo hacer a MGK gay".

En el pie de foto, Joe escribió: "¿Alguien recuerda esa línea de Tiger King? @machinegunkelly". Como si su enamoramiento no fuera obvio, compartió otro meme de MGK, añadiendo: "Una vez que vayas a Tiger King te olvidarás de la Fox".

Sí, parece que Joe podría estar enamorado.

Joe -que actualmente está tras las rejas- ya parecía manifestar su amor, y personalmente le suplicó al creador de "Bad Things" que le ayudara a salir de la cárcel.

Añadió un texto extra sobre uno de los memes, escribiendo: "Ahora que somos prácticamente amigos, ayúdame a salir de aquí".

Es una especie de súplica a Kelly para ayudarlo a salir de la cárcel, algo que ha estado haciendo también con otras celebridades.

Desafortunadamente para Joe, MGK probablemente no estará dispuesto a explorar nada romántico, como todos sabemos, él está en una relación bastante comprometida con Megan Fox.

Además, MGK explicó en Insta que su nuevo tatuaje tenía fines espirituales, y que quería alejarse del caos de su vida, lo cual probablemente no encajará bien con el estilo colorido y salvajes de Joe.

Joe podría tener que seguir buscando a  un buen compañero de andanzas, pero MGK probablemente no está interesado.

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Aguanta, Joe.

JOE EXOTIC Going WILD OVER MGK'S NEW Body Tat Tiger, Meth & He's Mine!!!

Machine Gun Kelly's new blackout tattoo has really done it for Joe Exotic ... 'cause the 'Tiger King' star is apparently pretty into it ... and pretty into him too.

The Netflix star openly pined for MGK on X Wednesday -- from his account, no less -- by sharing a snap of the rapper showing off his upper torso inking along with the flirtatious message ... "A tiger and a bit of meth, I can make MGK gay."

In the pic's caption, Joe wrote: "Anyone remember that line from Tiger King? @machinegunkelly." As if his head-over-heels infatuation wasn't obvious, he shared another MGK snap meme, adding ... "Once you go Tiger King you'll forget about the Fox."

Yup, looks like Joe might have a bit of a crush here.

Joe -- who's currently behind bars -- already appeared to manifest their relationship and personally pleaded with the "Bad Things" hitmaker to help him get the hell outta prison.

He added an extra text caption over one of the memes, writing ... "Now that we're practically a new item. Help me get the hell out of here."

So ... he's kinda begging Kelly for prison help too now, something he's been throwing out there lately with certain celebs.

Unfortunately for Joe, MGK most likely won't be down to explore anything romantic -- as we all know, he's in a pretty committed relationship with Megan Fox.

Also, MGK explained on IG that his new tat was for spiritual purposes, and he wanted to steer clear of chaos from his life -- which probably won't mesh well with Joe's colorful and wild ways.

Joe might have to keep looking for his partner in crime ... MGK probably ain't interested.

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Hang in there, JE ...


Machine Gun Kelly has unveiled his most dramatic tattoo yet -- a layer of solid black ink across almost his entire upper torso ... and yes, we've confirmed it's the real deal.

The rapper dropped his new look on IG Tuesday ... and you can see that the black ink saturates virtually half of his upper body ... with some of his OG inkings peeking through strategically placed paneled gaps down his arms and in between a cross symbol across his chest.

Machine Gun Kelly's decision to undergo this transformation was a deeply personal one, according to his tattoo artist ROXX who did this job for the artist -- and who tells TMZ that MGK had a "spiritual consultation". We're told he explained to her all his tatts were too chaotic for him now and he was seeking change and order in his life.

This is also something MGK makes clear in his IG caption ... explaining that the blackout cover-up was for "spiritual purposes only." FWIW, Kelly made sure no one could comment.

Oh, and if you're wondering whether it was painful ... ROXX praises him for being the toughest client she's ever had in 30 years. So, safe to say ... it hurt a lot.

Roxx tells us they started the process in mid-Dec with MGK coming to see her at her private L.A. studio 4 days a week for 13 six-hour sessions -- making it one of the biggest projects she's done in such a short time. She's not done yet either ... ROXX says she's got a bit more tattooing to do on him to finish the job.

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Bottom line ... MGK definitely knows how to make a bold statement. Nothing screams change quite like this.

Machine Gun Kelly estrena tatuaje en la parte superior del cuerpo con fines espirituales

Machine Gun Kelly ha revelado su tatuaje más dramático hasta la fecha... una capa de tinta negro sólido a través de casi toda la parte superior de su torso, y sí, hemos confirmado que es real.

El rapero reveló su nuevo look en Insta el martes y se puede ver que la tinta negra satura prácticamente la mitad de su parte superior del cuerpo, con algunos de sus tatuajes anteriores asomándose a través de espacios estratégicamente colocados en paneles por los brazos y en medio de un símbolo de la cruz en el pecho.

La decisión de Machine Gun Kelly de someterse a esta transformación fue profundamente personal, según su tatuadora ROXX -quien hizo el trabajo para el artista- le dice a TMZ que MGK tuvo una "consulta espiritual". Nos dicen que le explicó que todos sus tatuajes eran demasiado caóticos para él ahora y que estaba buscando un cambio y orden en su vida.

Esto también es algo que MGK deja claro en su pie de foto de Insta, explicando que el recubrimiento era para "fines espirituales solamente." Además, Kelly se aseguró de que nadie pudiera comentar el post.

Por si te estás preguntando si fue doloroso, ROXX lo elogia por ser el cliente más duro que ha tenido. Por lo tanto, podemos deducir que dolió mucho.

Roxx nos dice que comenzó el proceso a mediados de diciembre, cuando MGK fue a verla a su estudio privado de Los Ángeles cuatro días a la semana durante 13 sesiones de seis horas, y todavía tiene un poco más por hacer, lo cual lo convierte en uno de los mayores proyectos que ha hecho.

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En pocas palabras... MGK definitivamente sabe cómo hacer una declaración audaz. Nada grita cambio como esto.



Blueface's mom is tired of Chrisean Rock's antics -- she has her fingers crossed the new face tat she got of Blue is fake, and that she finally leaves her son alone. Spoiler ... at least one of those wishes won't come true.


TMZ got Karlissa Saffold outside L.A's Men's Central Jail on Wednesday, following a failed attempt to see her son, and she tells us Chrisean's enormous tattoo of Blueface's mug on her cheek is "absolutely f***ng crazy" ... and she thinks it's a shady ploy to make Blue feel obligated to deal with her once he gets out of jail.

She also has a very simple, passionate reaction to CR moving back into Blue's pad -- "Hell motherf***ing no!" Karlissa says, again, the move will give Blue zero chance of escaping Chrisean's shenanigans ... when he should be focusing on getting his mind right.

What's more, she believes the face ink stems from mental issues ... and her son isn't trained to unpack Chrisean's baggage for her.


For her part, Karlissa's tried to support Chrisean for the sake of her grandbaby ... but is now taking a step back after seeing her on IG live saying she wants Karlissa to die.

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But of course, as any doting grandma ... she's still willing to take care of the baby if it comes to that point.

For now, Karissa tells us she's devastated Blue's in jail for a probation violation -- in fact, it's her worst nightmare, especially cause her eldest son served 13 years behind bars, too ... and now history's repeating itself.

Basically, she's got a lot on her plate, and says CR needs to go find someone else's family to play "Fatal Attraction."

CixoT: LA Real Family Blues

Blueface's jail time is sure to play out in their family reality show, "CixoT: LA Real Family Blues."

La novia de Blueface se tatúa el culo Para contrarrestar el retrato de la cara de Chrisean

poniendo la otra mejilla

Chrisean Rock no es la única que quiere recordar a Blueface tatuándose su cara... hay otra chica haciendo lo mismo, solo que más bajo.

El miércoles, Bonnie estrenó un tatuaje en su culo. De hecho, publicó fotos y videos acostada con los pantalones caídos y la cara de Blueface inmortalizada en su mejilla izquierda.

Bonnie miembro del elenco original de Blue "Blue Girls Club" -su reality show de corta duración- pero su tinta descarada parece haber sorprendido incluso a su grupo de amigos cercanos, porque están diciendo que es una tonta. Sin embargo, ella ha estado todo el día profesando su 💙 hacia Blue.

Debemos señalar que Bonnie tiene problemas con las otras novias de Blue, incluyendo a Chrisean y Jaidyn Alexis y básicamente todas las otras mujeres en la vida del rapero.

Con este movimiento, Bonnie parece estar tratando de plantar su bandera en Blu, apartándolo para ella cuando salga de la cárcel.

Vale la pena señalar que Bonnie acaba de lanzar una nueva pista titulada "That's My Daddy", y es una muestra de toda su competencia con Blueface, y solo una confirmación más de que él la tiene muy lejos, al igual que las demás

tmz investiga
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TMZ Hip Hop acaba de confirmar con la tienda de tatuajes de Chrisean que su reciente tatuaje es permanente, y al igual que Bonnie, su propia familia piensa que necesita hacerse a un lado.

una para blue
Lakimii Tattoo Shop

Hay que preguntarse, ¿habrá más tatuajes de Blueface en el futuro? El tiempo lo dirá.

El nuevo tatuaje Chrisean Rock es 100% real Según la tienda de tatuajes

uno por blue
Lakimii Tattoo Shop

Chrisean Rock mostró un poco de tinta fresca la semana pasada, revelando la cara de su novio, Blueface, y mientras algunos pensaban que no era real... nos dicen todo lo contrario.

El propietario de la tienda de tatuajes Lakimii -donde Chrisean se hizo este trabajo- nos dice que la estrella de la realidad se acercó para este nuevo tatuaje el sábado pasado y mientras que normalmente tienen una política contra la aguja en la cara de alguien, hicieron una excepción para Chrisean.

Nos dicen que este trabajo tomó alrededor de 4 horas en total para completar, lo cual es evidente en lo detallado y elaborado que es. No se sabe si le cobraron o no, pero el propietario, Timo, nos dice que ya le han hecho tatuajes en el pasado, así que están familiarizados con ella como cliente.

De todos modos, puedes echarle un vistazo al tatuaje con más detalle aquí. Mientras que ha habido algunos creen que es falso, Timo insiste en que es real.

Ciertamente se pueden ver sus poros abiertos y la tinta llenándolos. Además, su cabeza está ligeramente afeitada alrededor de la zona en cuestión, lo que es un signo revelador de que está a punto de hacerse un tatuaje.

Hay un puñado de personas que todavía son escépticos acerca del tatuaje, pero por lo que parece, Chrisean parece haber sido atacada de nuevo, esto después de volver a dedicarse a Blueface, que está actualmente entre las rejas por una violación de libertad condicional en Los Ángeles.

Ella ciertamente está esperando a que sea puesto en libertad y sabemos que Lakimii también está emocionado. Nos dicen que el negocio está en auge para ellos desde el trabajo de tinta que hicieron para ella.

Y escucha esto, nos han dicho que el propio Blue también tiene planes de venir a entintarse, aunque no se sabe cuándo exactamente podría suceder.

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Como dicen... la pareja que se tatúa junta, permanece junta... o algo así.

Chrisean Rock New Blueface Ink ... Is 100% Real, So Says Tattoo Shop

Tattoo For Blue
Lakimii Tattoo Shop

Chrisean Rock showed off some fresh ink last week that bared the mug of her on-and-off boyfriend, Blueface, and while some thought it wasn't real ... we're being told otherwise.

The owner of the Lakimii Tattoo Shop in WeHo -- where Chrisean got this job done -- tells us the reality star came by for this new face tat last Saturday ... and while they normally have a policy against needling up someone's face, they made an exception for Chrisean.

We're told this work took about 4 hours in total to complete ... which is evident in how detailed and elaborate it is. No word on whether they charged her or not -- but the owner, Timo, tells us they've done tats for her in the past ... so they're familiar with her as a client.

Anyway ... you can take a look at the tattoo in more detail here. While there've been some who've believed this may have been a henna thing ... Timo insists it's the real McCoy.

It certainly looks like it could be based on what we're seeing -- you can see her pores opened up, and the ink filling them. Plus, her head is slightly shaved around the area in question -- which is a telltale sign that a tattoo is about to take place.

There's a handful of folks who are still skeptical about whether this is fake -- but from the looks of it, Chrisean appears to have gotten blasted again ... this after re-devoting herself to Blueface, who's currently behind bars on a probation violation in L.A.

She certainly seems happy waiting for him to be released ... and we know Lakimii is also stoked. They tell us business has booming for them ever since the ink job they did for her.

And get this ... we're told Blue himself apparently has plans to come and get some fresh ink as well. No word on when exactly that might happen -- he could be locked up for a while.

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As they say ... the couple that tats together, stays together. Something like that, anyway.

Aaron Rodgers Gets Second Tattoo ... Dragon With Nod To Jets Jersey

Aaron Rodgers just got tattooed again ... this time he had a dragon featuring a nod to his Jets' jersey put down on his left arm.

The New York quarterback's tattoo artist, Balazs Bercsenyi, revealed the new artwork on his Instagram page on Thursday afternoon ... showing Rodgers got the piece put right in the middle of his bicep.

It's unclear why Rodgers chose the creature -- or what the significance of the lettering around it is -- but Bercsenyi explained the positioning of the dragon's body was no accident.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

"Second tattoo for the 🐐 himself @aaronrodgers12," the artist said in a caption on the photos of the ink, "with a subtle hint for Aaron’s new jersey number #8."

The 40-year-old signal-caller was clearly thrilled with how it all came out ... writing in a comment on the artist's page, "Happy Birthday brother! So thankful for you and your mastery."

The tat is the second Rodgers has ever gotten ... he previously had a pair of lions and an eyeball put on his left forearm.

Of course, Rodgers has plenty of time to sit in the tattoo chair these days -- he's been on injured reserve since he blew out his Achilles during NY's first game of the season.

And, while he's made a valiant effort to get back to the Jets this season ... with their 4-8 record, it seems likely we won't see him -- or his new tat -- under center on gamedays 'til 2024.

NFL's Xavier McKinney My New Ink Snaps!!! ... Gets Giant Torso Tat Featuring Thanos Image

NY Giants star Xavier McKinney plays on the gridiron like a comic book villain ... and now, after getting a huge torso tattoo, his stomach art matches his game!!

The 24-year-old safety recently hit up LeBron James' ink artist, Ganga, for the piece ... and it turned out awesome.

His abs are now covered by an image of a pissed-off Thanos ruling over a smoldering city. On one of his obliques, meanwhile, he got a pic of the Joker put down -- and on the other, Ganga drew on "Guardians of the Galaxy" character Groot.

Ganga also touched up some of McKinney's other tats that he had gotten previously ... while adding the words, "Most Wanted" and "Beware of Dog" as well.

The NFL player was clearly thrilled with the final results ... sharing pics of his new ink while writing in a caption, "Tattoos over war wounds .."

"Special thanks to my brother @gangatattoo and all the artist who helped bring this piece to life."

McKinney will have to wait a couple days to show it all off on an NFL field -- the Giants don't play until Monday night against the Packers -- but if McKinney snaps (get it?!) then, don't be surprised!!!

AMERICAN AIRLINES Pasajero demanda por derrame de café MI BRAZO Y MI TATUAJE ¡QUEMADOS!

American Airlines podría estar en aprieros, al igual que el pasajero que se quemó cuando un asistente de vuelo derramó una taza caliente sobre su brazo.

George Latorre dice que estaba ocupándose de sus asuntos en un vuelo de Vietnam a Nueva York a principios de este mes cuando pidió una taza de café. Según la demanda, la azafata cometió todo tipo de negligencias al derramar lo que él afirma que era "café hirviendo" sobre su brazo izquierdo.

Latorre afirma que sufrió quemaduras de segundo grado en la parte superior del brazo izquierdo, así como ampollas, descamación y hemorragias. Él dice que fue tan grave que hasta dañó su tatuaje.

Latorre afirma que la demanda por "deformidad estética y cicatrices" puede ser permanente, y todavía está sufriendo "dolor, sufrimiento extremo, daño emocional, angustia mental y angustia, entre otras cosas.

El abogado de Latorre, David Jaroslawicz, le informa a TMZ que después del derrame, Latorre pidió un asiento más cómodo, incluso ofreciendo pagar por un mejor lugar, pero se le negó y se quedó donde estaba el resto del vuelo.

Jaroslawicz dice que su cliente se dirigió a un médico después de aterrizar en Nueva York y le dijeron que la quemadura era tan grave que necesitaba ver a un cirujano especializado en quemaduras.

Nos pusimos en contacto con American Airlines, pero no hacen comentarios sobre litigios pendientes.

American Airlines Passenger Sues Over 'Scalding Hot' Coffee Spill ... My Arm and Tat are Burned to a Crisp!!!

American Airlines could be in hot water ... just like the passenger who was burned when a flight attendant spilled a hot cup of java on his arm.

George Latorre says he was minding his own business on a flight from Vietnam to NYC earlier this month when he asked for a cup of coffee. According to the lawsuit, the flight attendant was all sorts of negligent by spilling what he claims was "scalding coffee" on his left arm.

Latorre says he suffered second-degree burns to his upper left arm, as well as blistering, peeling and bleeding. He says it was so bad it damaged his tattoo.

The lawsuit claims Latorre's "cosmetic deformity and scarring" may be permanent, and he's still suffering "extreme pain and suffering, emotional harm, mental anguish and distress," among other things.

Latorre's lawyer, David Jaroslawicz, tells TMZ ... after the spill, Latorre asked for a more comfortable seat -- even offering to pay for the upgrade -- but he was denied and remained in economy for the rest of the flight.

Jaroslawicz says his client beelined it to a doctor after he landed in NYC, and was told the burn was so bad he needed to see a surgeon who specializes in burns.

We reached out to American Airlines, but it does not comment on pending litigation.

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