
We provide students financial assistance to pursue higher education.

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Where Education Pays Off ®

We’re dedicated to transforming the lives of students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Predominantly Black Institutions. Talented students from diverse backgrounds gain access to lifelong rewards.

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Meet Our Talent

In Their Own Words

Thousands of students succeed in college with assistance from TMCF and the many opportunities we provide. These testimonials are a confirmation to our hard work.

My participation in TMCF has allowed me to use my voice, skills, and abilities in spaces I previously believed I did not belong. I was fortunate enough to have been selected as one of the hosts of the 2021[...]

As an international student attending an HBCU, the Thurgood Marshall College Fund Leadership Institute has exposed me to a platform with a multitude of opportunities.

"I am a reflection of Justice Thurgood Marshall because... I am a first generation college student and a true representation of a minority that had to pave its own road to success!!"

Students today.

Leaders tomorrow.

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An Organization You Can Trust