
We provide students financial assistance to pursue higher education.

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Where Education Pays Off ®

We’re dedicated to transforming the lives of students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Predominantly Black Institutions. Talented students from diverse backgrounds gain access to lifelong rewards.

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Meet Our Talent

In Their Own Words

Thousands of students succeed in college with assistance from TMCF and the many opportunities we provide. These testimonials are a confirmation to our hard work.

"If it wasn't for TMCF... I would not have been granted the opportunity to travel outside the Midwest and expand my potential. Through my experiences, I was able to network and develop lifelong relationships with my peers, gain professional[...]

I was awarded the Thurgood Marshall McDonald’s True to the HBCU scholarship, which was one of my greatest successes during my matriculation at Tennessee State University.

Being a Hennessy Fellow means leading by example. I am so grateful to the Thurgood Marshall College Fund and Hennessy for investing and empowering me to push the limits of my potential to achieve my dreams.

Students today.

Leaders tomorrow.

TMCF in the News

An Organization You Can Trust