
Investors threaten Daniel Kretinsky's bid for Royal Mail

They have been advised that the £3.70-a-share offer recommended by the IDS board seriously undervalues Royal Mail if regulator Ofcom recommends changes to Royal Mail's Universal Service Obligation. This guarantees letters and parcels are delivered six days a week across the UK at a fixed price, which Royal Mail says is a drag on its loss-making business. If Ofcom removes the Monday-to-Saturday obligation for second-class letters it could generate an extra £300 million in income for Royal Mail, sources say.

Accesso helps people to make the most of trips and events, while also helping its business customers to make more money. At £7, the shares should benefit investors too.

Rachel Reeves is expected to lay the ground for tax rises in her Autumn Budget when she reveals the outcome of a Treasury audit into the Government's finances.

Thanks to Dench's efforts, the once imperilled bank will return to its traditional mutual status through a takeover by Coventry Building Society.

Early backers of the firm include Michael Sherwood (pictured), ex-head of Goldman Sachs International, who chairs Revolut's remuneration committee.

The insurer will hire as many as 350 new staff under plans to increase its fleet of patrol cars from 37 to 350 over the next few years.

Boss Ricardo Mendes said as the company was growing well it would prepare for a float 'in the next few years'.

Investors looking to bank some profit could sell down their holdings but they should not sell out completely as this business should go from strength to strength.

I think it is the Holy Grail that will transform the productivity of the service industries, but as in all revolutions there will be losers as well as winners.

Keir Starmer's eagerness to 'reset' relations with the EU could open the door to collaboration with a rival scheme on the Continent, according to senior executives at Airbus.

The FTSE 100 aeroplane engine maker raked in £7.7billion in the first six months of the year, according to City forecasts.

Tax breaks are offered to companies for investments in factories and equipment. But these do not extend to spending on crucial areas such as new software.

Chapel Down and fellow Kent rival Gusbourne, both listed companies, are exploring options including selling up.

NatWest setback as Labour kiboshes 'Tell Sid' share sale

Chancellor Rachel Reeves is keen to offer the Government's £5.6billion stake to pension funds, insurers and asset managers, rather than ordinary investors, sources say. The move is a hammer blow to the bank and retail investors, with critics saying it is a missed opportunity to encourage more people to develop long-term saving and investment habits. The last Labour government rescued the lender during the 2008 financial crisis and at its peak the taxpayer's stake was 84 per cent.

The nine-person Monetary Policy Committee will meet on Thursday to vote whether or not to cut for the first time in four years.

The FTSE 250-listed investment group reported total net outflows of £3.4billion in the six months to the end of June, up from £2.2billion at the end of last year.

The group will build 353 flats at the site in Bromley, south London. It has been dabbling in endeavours aside from retail, including financial services and property services.

Tom Hayes, the first trader jailed for fixing key interest rates, has been granted permission to appeal against his criminal conviction at the UK's top court.

On an adjusted basis, ITV's pre-tax profit jumped over 50% to £178m in the six months ending 30 June.

It undermines the credibility of a Government which seeks to position itself at home and abroad as steady hands on the tiller of state.

It has been handed more than £6billion of subsidies for the power station in Selby, North Yorkshire that generates more than 4 per cent of the UK's electricity.

The lender also completed its transformation plan which included staff cuts and a £100m IT simplification project.

The French firm's second-quarter revenue was £3.1billion, up 13 per cent year-on-year. Sales were strong everywhere but Asia.

In a bid to pivot towards a focus on health and hygiene, Reckitt plans to offload its £1.9billion home care portfolio, which includes brands like Air Wick and Cillit Bang.

Get the over-50s back to work to boost Britain's wealth, says MAGGIE PAGANO

What's ironic is that in an age when everyone is obsessed about diversity, age diversity hardly gets a look-in. Which is bizarre, as the one thing we can all be sure about - apart from death and taxes - is getting old. By 2039, nearly half of the UK's workforce will be over 45. Over the past 20 years, the number of working people aged above 50 has nearly doubled to 10.7m - nearly a third of the entire working population. Which is why it's so surprising that Labour - which claims to be the most worker-friendly in generations - has not dared to even mention this ticking time-bomb.

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