Micheál Martin: the untouchable leader could stay for years

He has led Fianna Fail since 2011 and shows no sign of loosening his grip. Some female politicians are questioning their futures, but there are no visible signs of dissent
Micheál Martin did not promote any women to his ministerial line-up
Micheál Martin did not promote any women to his ministerial line-up

The sense of anger and despair among female members of Fianna Fail’s parliamentary ranks is palpable this weekend after Micheál Martin, the tanaiste, made five changes to his party and ministerial line-up and did not promote a single woman. There have already been discussions among some female parliamentary party members about whether to stop turning up at press events to flank the leader or ministers in what would amount to a significant retaliatory move. “No more being wallflowers for all their announcements,” one said angrily.

Others conveyed a sense of hopelessness about their political futures “languishing”, as one put it, on the backbenches. Some are privately wondering whether to bother running again. “I am questioning myself in this profession,” said another female Oireachtas member. “This