The facial hair that’ll tell you if a man is ready to settle down

Research suggests beards are an indication that males are more likely to ‘invest in others romantically and familially’ and find a permanent partner
Researchers recruited more than 400 men aged 18-40 with different levels of facial hair and asked them about their life goals
Researchers recruited more than 400 men aged 18-40 with different levels of facial hair and asked them about their life goals

He may have stopped going to clubs and bars until 3am, swapped the flatshare in the city for a semi in the suburbs, and ditched the late-night takeaways for nutritious casseroles made in his slow-cooker.

But the sign a man is really ready to settle down? He’ll grow a beard, a study has found.

Researchers recruited more than 400 men aged 18-40 with different levels of facial hair, ranging from clean shaven to full beard.

They then quizzed them about their “social motivations”: the importance of affiliation with friends, status-seeking, caring for family members, finding a new romantic/sexual partner, keeping a partner, and staying safe.

The researchers, from the University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland, and the University of Padova, Italy, did this by giving