Buckingham Palace intruder had knife and cocaine in bag

Cameron Kalani offered no explanation for his attempted entry to the palace but is known to suffer from a psychiatric condition
Cameron Kalani offered no explanation for his attempted entry to the palace but is known to suffer from a psychiatric condition

A man has admitted trespassing at Buckingham Palace after scaling the fence to the Royal Mews.

Cameron Kalani, 44, was caught with a kitchen knife and cocaine in his bag when he was held in the early hours of May 10.

At Westminster magistrates’ court he admitted trespassing on a protected site, possession of a bladed article and possession of a wrap of cocaine.

Alexander Alawode, for the prosecution, said: “The defendant was seen by a fire marshal near Buckingham Palace Road said to be attempting to climb over the fence and trespass into the grounds.

“He is seen to climb over the fence into the Royal Mews, then back over into Buckingham Palace Road. Concerned by the breach of security, palace guards detained him