Zanu PF will rule until donkeys grow horns, boasts Zimbabwe army chief

Opposition figures criticised speech by Anselem Sanyatwe, who was placed under sanctions by the US after ordering the shooting of protesters in 2018
Lieutenant General Anselem Sanyatwe threatened to march people to polling stations and make them vote for the rulling Zanu (PF) party
Lieutenant General Anselem Sanyatwe threatened to march people to polling stations and make them vote for the rulling Zanu (PF) party

The party of Robert Mugabe will rule Zimbabwe “until donkeys grow horns”, the country’s army commander has pledged.

Lieutenant General Anselem Sanyatwe said the army would march citizens to polling stations and make them vote for the party that has governed the southern African nation since it gained independence 44 years ago.

“Zanu (PF) shall rule until donkeys grow horns, whatever your stated and expressed wishes. I am now speaking as the commander of the army. We shall use what is called command voting,” he is reported as saying over the weekend at a gathering of constituents in an area where his wife is the MP.

“Do we understand each other? Forward with Zanu (PF) … Forward with Mnangagwa. Down with the enemy,” he said,