Nicole Scherzinger: ‘I want a baby, but work calls’

She is the former Pussycat Doll, 46, who dated Lewis Hamilton. Now an award-winning role in Sunset Boulevard has changed Nicole Scherzinger’s life, both professionally and privately

Nicole Scherzinger, 46. “I do things on my own terms now. People don’t tell me what to do”
Nicole Scherzinger, 46. “I do things on my own terms now. People don’t tell me what to do”
The Times

Once she was a pussycat, a doll, a Pussycat Doll. Now Nicole Scherzinger, after four months at the Savoy Theatre in London at the end of last year, is and may for ever remain Norma Desmond. Her incarnation of the crazed, tragic, fallen movie star at the unstable centre of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s 1991 musical Sunset Boulevard has all but obliterated memories of those who played her before, from Faith Brown in Plymouth to Glenn Close on Broadway. With a best actress Olivier award packed in her actual or mental luggage, this autumn she will head for Broadway herself and spend nine months doing it all again.

And I mean “all”. Director Jamie Lloyd’s apparently bizarre decision to cast a beautiful 46-year-old pop icon