
Old bangers are the green motorist’s choice

The Sunday Times
Rowan Atkinson, the star of Mr Bean, says we should consider keeping old cars for longer
Rowan Atkinson, the star of Mr Bean, says we should consider keeping old cars for longer

I couldn’t agree more with Rowan Atkinson about making our cars last (“Mr Bean’s behind the wheel of a drive to hang on to old bangers”, News, last week). There is a carbon cost to making anything. If we care about the planet, we should use everything, including cars, for as long as possible.

Many things I use about the house belonged to my parents, grandparents and even great-grandparents. My small, low-emission petrol car is 11 years old. I am 80. I hope it will outlive me.
Joan Freeland, Bristol

Tech addiction
It is overconsumption that is killing the world. I keep a phone for five years and cars and motorbikes for six, and I wait until my TV dies before I replace