Most drivers think electric vehicles cost too much

Viability fears are putting the appeal of the next generation of motors in reverse
Motorists fear being stranded because there are too few chargers
Motorists fear being stranded because there are too few chargers

The popularity of electric cars (EVs) continues to wane, with drivers increasingly believing that the cost and limitations outweigh the benefits.

Just 47 per cent of motorists think an EV fits their lifestyle, research by Auto Trader, the car marketplace, suggests.

Drivers are concerned about making the switch to electric given the lack of charging infrastructure, the price of the cars and “range anxiety” — the fear of being unable to reach a destination on a single charge.

Auto Trader surveyed 4,000 motorists and found that 56 per cent of drivers considered EVs too expensive and 47 per cent were worried about the lack of charging points.

The findings lay bare a shift in consumer attitudes. In 2019, Auto Trader found that 75 per cent