Psychosexual and Relationship Psychotherapist

BSc Arch. Eng., PgDip PSRT, MNCPS (Acc.), MCOSRT (reg)

  • Online
  • from £90

  • In-person

  • from £100

Location: Kings Hill, Kent

Nariman has a BSc in Architecture Engineering, and has completed a foundation certificate in counselling and psychotherapy, and a level 2 course in counselling introductory. She gained a post-graduate Diploma in Psychosexual and Relationship Therapy accredited by Middlesex University and is continuing her development in Couples therapy by doing an Advanced Diploma in Couple therapy. She has really enjoyed this experience, being able to work in a role that she found incredibly rewarding.

Nariman believes that every individual is unique, therefore she provides each of my clients with a safe, non-judgmental space, whether they are a couple or individuals she works within a professional frame, and integrates her tools and methods based on her client’s needs to support them overcome their issues and enrich their relationships. She will work with her clients for as long as they need and everything you discuss is treated with genuine respect and will be held in confidence.

In addition to her private practice, her experience includes working as a Psychosexual Therapist within the NHS, where she sees clients within a specialist Sexual Health clinic.

Nariman works with a wide range of issues including, but not limited to, sexual concerns and anxieties, relationship issues with individuals and couples, affairs, attachment difficulties, and general anxiety and difficulties with life. Nariman speaks two languages – Arabic and English.

Nariman’s approach is ‘integrative’. This means she uses different approaches, theories and tools that suit each person or couple’s needs. She uses the ‘Person-Centered Approach’ when she feels you need to lead the way, which provides you with empathetic, non-judgmental space with unconditional positive regard. The use of ‘Attachment Theory’ is beneficial in helping to build a stronger bond between partners, by looking back at the impact of childhood on current relationships. Nariman may incorporate ‘Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) which helps individuals develop alternative ways of thinking and behaving that might be causing psychological distress. CBT helps to change negative thoughts or beliefs into more positive/rational ones. Through the use of different communication tools and techniques, she will help you find a way to communicate more effectively. Whilst ensuring you both feel heard and understood correctly.  She may also use some psychosexual exercises and methods, to support her work, for any areas of sexual dysfunction a couple might be experiencing.

Nariman’s qualifications include:

BSc in Architecture Engineering

Post-graduate Diploma in Psychosexual and Relationship Therapy

Foundation Certificate in Counselling and Psychotherapy

MNCPS (Acc.)

COSRT (reg.)


  • Sexual dysfunctions including arousal difficulties
  • Sexual pain including Vaginismus, Vulvodynia, Dyspareunia
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Premature Ejaculation
  • Low/no sexual desire
  • Relationship issues including cultural and religious diversity and communication
  • Sexual abuse survivors and trauma
  • Infidelity
  • Attachment difficulties
  • Open relationships, Consensual non-monogamy (CNM) and Polyamory
  • Sexuality and Gender
  • Sexual compulsivity including porn
  • Dealing and coping with STIs
  • General anxiety and difficulty in life

Nariman offers in-person appointments in Kings Hill, Kent in addition to UK and Europe-wide via Telehealth.

