Psychosexual and Relationship Therapist – in training

BA (Hons) Eng.Lit.Phil, FDN Psychosynthesis, MCOSRT, CPD IFS, Yoga Alliance (reg), CICS Diploma (ongoing)

  • Online
  • from £50

  • In-person

  • from £60

Location: Greenwich, South East London

Chui-Yee is passionate about working with clients to overcome their sexual and relationship difficulties and brings with her a depth of life and therapy experience that is extremely valuable in understanding some of the challenges that clients may be facing. She is currently in her final year of sex and relationship therapy training. Her foundation training was in psychosynthesis therapy, which gave her insight into how interconnected our minds and bodies are, and how exploring this connection can help with a wide spectrum of sexual function problems. Chui-Yee is personable, thoughtful and passionate about working with clients to overcome their difficulties and brings with her a depth of life and therapy experience that is extremely valuable in understanding some of the challenges that clients may be facing.

Chui-Yee is also a Yoga teacher, accredited with the Yoga Alliance, and has witnessed first-hand the benefits to mental health and physical wellbeing that the practice of Yoga, meditation and breathwork can bring. She believes in the power of befriending our bodies with compassion, to heal the body and mind.

As a child of first-generation immigrants from Hong Kong, Chui-Yee has always been interested in intersectionality and the impact this can have on our sexual identity and expression. Growing up in North East England to Chinese parents has shown her that our cultural upbringing, religion, social class/background, the education system, family and health can all make us live by narratives and internal scripts which might not be in total alignment with the true expression of who we are, especially in terms of our sexuality and gender identity.

Chui-Yee’s personal experience of therapy has been life-changing and is what led to her decision to train as a trauma-informed, compassion-centred, sex and relationship therapist.

Chui-Yee’s qualifications include:

Foundation Certificate in Psychosynthesis

Contemporary Institute of Clinical Sexology Diploma (ongoing)

Internal Family Systems CPD Certificate

Yoga Alliance Teacher Training Certificate

COSRT registered member

Her approach involves a number of different modalities, including interpersonal and psychodynamic therapies, as well as Internal Family Systems. She believes that healing starts with compassion and is grounded in trust.


  • Sexual dysfunctions including arousal difficulties
  • Sexual pain including Vaginismus, Vulvodynia, Dyspareunia
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Premature Ejaculation
  • Low/no desire
  • Open relationships, Consensual non-monogamy (CNM) and Polyamory
  • Sexuality and Gender
  • Sexual diversity including LGBTQIA+
  • Understanding fetishes and kink
  • Sexual compulsivity including porn
  • Mind-Body Connection
  • Childhood trauma
  • Attachment difficulties
  • Intersectionality in Sexuality and Gender
  • Mind-Body Connection

