Psychosexual and Relationship Therapist

PgDip Psychosexual and Relationship Psychotherapy, PgDip, integrative therapy CORST, MBCAP

  • Online only

  • from £80

  • from £90

I am a psychosexual and relationship psychotherapist and an integrative counsellor specialising in person-centred and psychodynamic therapy.

It can be difficult to take the brave step to seek therapy and find the right therapist. Particularly doing so with a partner(s) and discussing and exploring intimacy. One of the main strengths of therapy can be a strong therapeutic alliance (the relationship between therapist and client), and I enjoy building this with those that I support by, being human, and creating a safe, relaxed, inclusive, and non-judgemental space.

My experience is varied, including but not limited to; providing one-to-one therapy and casework to help empower refugees, outreach trafficking support/therapy, bereavement counselling (with additional training in helping the bereaved military family, and prolonged grief disorder) I have worked for many years supporting families of those who may have a loved one missing, or ambiguous loss. I have also supported those experiencing dementia and their families, those living with HIV, and cancer, including end-of-life care for both individuals and those in a relationship(s).

I work in a trauma-informed way, which means that I integrate an awareness of trauma into all the support I offer. Creating safety with those who have experienced trauma while considering the complex impact of trauma on an individual’s physical and emotional well-being, how it shapes one’s ability to cope, and what barriers it may create.

My extensive experience in loss, bereavement, complex and/or otherwise, and ambiguous loss and its effects on oneself and relationships, gives me an appreciation of the complexities and challenges of those experiencing this unique journey. (Ambiguous loss is a person’s profound sense of loss and sadness that is not associated with the death of a loved one. It can be a loss of emotional connection when a person’s physical presence remains, or when that emotional connection remains but a physical connection is lost. Often, there isn’t a sense of closure. This can also be a process for someone who may be facing illness or end of life).

I am also passionate about sex, sexuality, and gender. They are vital elements of our physical, psychological, and social development; they impact all areas of our human experience, including how we view ourselves, those around us, and our world, and I enjoy supporting those wanting to explore this part of themselves or within their relationships and connections with others.


  • PGDIP Level 7 CORST Integrative Psychosexual & Relationship Psychotherapy
  • PGDIP Level 3-4 CPCAB Integrative person centred/psychodynamic counselling.
  • Cert Level 2 Therapeutic Bereavement Support


  • Bereavement/loss/ambiguous loss/complex grief
  • Chronic illness and/or as a life-changing event
  • Endometriosis/Adenomyosis
  • Early menopause/menopause
  • Trauma
  • No/Low/Diminished/mismatched Libido.
  • Erectile Difficulties, including change through ageing, cancer, and injury.
  • Relationship issues including infidelity and communication.
  • Understanding and exploring fetishes and kinks
  • LGBTQIA+ GSRD, and sex worker affirmative

