The Therapy Yard comprises of a team of highly experienced therapists offering therapies for individuals and couples to explore and overcome life, relationship and sexual issues.

Our team include counsellors and therapists working with a wide range of issues including relationship and sexual issues, such as erectile dysfunction and vaginismus. Many work within specialist areas within this field. Our associates undergo continuous professional development to ensure the Therapy Yard is at the forefront of up-to-date knowledge and expertise within our specialist field. As such, all our associates have completed a number of degrees or diplomas and attend CPD, seminars and conferences relating to our work. Some also teach within the field of therapy while others are media contributors.


Psychosexual/sex therapy is the umbrella term for talking therapy that addresses sexual issues. Our therapists working in this area have completed specialist training in order to be qualified to assist clients with the psychological/emotional causes of sexual dysfunctions and work with sex-related issues.

Examples of sexual issues we work with:

  • Erectile Dysfunction – including porn-related E.D.
  • Premature Ejaculation
  • Difficulty ejaculating
  • Vaginismus
  • Vulval / Vaginal pain
  • Low / no desire
  • Arousal difficulties


Relationship therapy is available for individuals and couples of all relationship types and sexual orientations. Our couples therapists have undertaken specialist training in providing therapy for couples and family relationships.

Some examples of relationship issues we work with include:

  • Understanding relationships/ self
  • Improving communication
  • Relationship decisions
  • Conflict
  • Trust issues
  • Infidelity
  • Polyamory/ non-monogamy


Our therapists work with a wide variety of issues. Our therapists may have different areas they specialise in or may use different theoretical approaches.

Some examples of the issues we work with include:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Stress/Anxiety
  • Decision making
  • Intrusive thoughts
  • Bereavement/loss
  • Dealing with life changes
  • Infertility


It’s really easy to get started, all you need to do is submit a self-referral through this website and we will match you with the right practitioner.

The price you pay will be dependant upon what type of therapy you need, who you are matched with, and how long the therapy will last.

A self-referral is a no-obligation request, we will provide you with all the information you need to know to make a decision and proceed.