Consultant Clinical Psychologist

B.A. (Hons. Psychology), M.A., D.Clin.Psych., PGDip (Psychoanalytic Studies), C Psychol, AFBPsS, MBT accredited practitioner, VIG accredited practitioner, Register of Applied Practice Supervisors

  • Online
  • from £130

  • In-person

  • from £180

Location: Beaconsfield, Bucks

Nicola is a highly experienced consultant clinical psychologist who continues to work part-time in the NHS in addition to private practice. She has worked across all age groups, from children and adolescents, to adult mental health. She has been clinical lead of the Looked After and Adopted Children’s service in CAMHS for over 7 years and she currently runs a specialist therapeutic service in adult mental health for parents where there are concerns about child abuse/ neglect. Her main areas of interest are in complex trauma, attachment difficulties, relationship breakdown and problems with emotional regulation. Nicola is an accredited Mentalization Based Treatment practitioner which helps clients experiencing relationship difficulties and problems with emotional regulation/deliberate self-harm. She also works with adults with a range of anxiety disorders (e.g. social phobia, OCD, generalised anxiety disorder) and depression, in addition to helping clients experiencing relationship breakdown, separation and loss.

Nicola is trained in various therapies and offers a bespoke therapeutic intervention to meet your needs. She is a warm, empathic and non-judgemental therapist whom clients have described as someone who immediately puts you at ease.


  • Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, University of Southampton
  • M.A. (Applied Psychology), University College Dublin (1st Class Hons)
    B.A. (Hons Psychology), University College Dublin
    PG DIP (Psychoanalytic Observational Studies), University of East London/Tavistock
  • Mentalization Based Treatment accredited practitioner
  • Video Interaction Guidance (VIG) accredited practitioner
  • Clinical Supervisor


  • Problems with emotional regulation and managing stress
  • Anxiety problems
  • OCD
  • Phobias
  • Depression
  • Trauma
  • Working through childhood abuse and neglect
  • PTSD
  • Attachment and relationship difficulties
  • Relationship breakdown
  • Loss
  • Perinatal difficulties (loss/birth trauma/problems with bonding, antenatal anxiety/depression)

