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AN IRISH Emirates Airlines flight attendant who is facing jail in Dubai after attempting to take her own life following a horror attack in her home declared last night: I just want to get back to Ireland.

Authorities have charged Tori Towey with attempted suicide and alcohol consumption.

Tori Towey is facing jail in Dubai
Tori Towey is facing jail in Dubai
The Roscommon native says she suffered severe bruising and other injuries after a domestic violence assault
The Roscommon native says she suffered severe bruising and other injuries after a domestic violence assault
Authorities have charged Tori Towey with attempted suicide and alcohol consumption
Authorities have charged Tori Towey with attempted suicide and alcohol consumption

The 28-year-old, from Boyle, Co Roscommon, says she suffered severe bruising and other injuries that required hospital treatment after being brutally attacked in her own home.

But after an attempt to take her own life in the wake of the domestic violence assault, authorities in Dubai instead charged Tori with attempted suicide and alcohol consumption.

And rather than helping her go home to Ireland, the assault victim says she is trapped in Dubai after the authorities hit her with a travel ban.

Tori is now facing criminal charges in court next week which could lead to lengthy imprisonment in jails notorious for human rights abuses and torture.

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The young woman, who is being supported by her mum Caroline in Dubai, told the Irish Sun: “I’m glad I’m with my mother now but I don’t know what’s going to happen in court next week.

“I’m desperate to go home to Ireland and put all of this in the past. I’m asking the Taoiseach to please help us.”

Tori’s mother Caroline added: “We are calling on our local representatives, the Department of Foreign Affairs, embassy and Taoiseach to please do everything to get my daughter home safely.

“She’s been through the worst time of her life and needs to come home with me and heal.”

An advocacy group has also urged the Irish government to intervene to have the charges against Tori dropped and to allow her to travel home.

Radha Stirling, CEO of Detained in Dubai, branded the case and the travel ban against Ms Towey as “outrageous.”

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Stirling, who has helped in numerous domestic violence cases including that of Princess Latifa, said: “Tori’s experience is nothing short of tragic and quite frankly, she is lucky to be alive.

“It’s amazing that authorities did not intervene for Tori’s protection, given the state her body was in when she was hospitalised the first time.

Dubai cops 'need to be educated'

“Worse than failing her, authorities in Dubai actually travel-banned her and kept her in the country when she was trying to get away.

“The UAE used to charge rape victims with sex outside marriage. Now they’re charging violence victims with attempted suicide and alcohol consumption. Dubai police need to be educated on victim care.

“We are calling on Dubai authorities to urgently drop the charges against Tori, remove the travel ban and let her fly home to Ireland with her mother.

“We are also calling on Ireland’s Taoiseach Simon Harris, the head of Foreign Affairs Micheal Martin, Ambassador Alison Milton and local TDs, Michael Fitzmaurice, Claire Kerrane and Denis Naughten as well as the UAE’s Ambassador to Ireland, H.E. Mohammed Hmoud Hamad Rahma Alshamsi to help bring Tori home.”

Issue raised in Dail

Sinn Fein President Mary Lou McDonald raised the matter in the Dail today, telling the chamber how Tori was the victim of domestic violence at the hands of her husband.

Ms McDonald outlined how Tori was being detained in Dubai after attempting to take her own life in the wake of “one particularly severe beating”.

And with Tori stranded in the United Arab Emirates facing criminal charges, the Sinn Fein boss pleaded for the Taoiseach to intervene to help get the Roscommon woman home.

Ms McDonald said: “She has been the victim of the most gross domestic violence.

'Severe beating'

“Her passport has been destroyed. There was a travel ban imposed on her and she had gone to the authorities seeking protection many times but to absolutely no avail.

“But following one particularly severe beating in which her husband repeatedly tried to slam doors on her arms and break her limbs, she escaped upstairs and she attempted to take her own life.

“Unfortunately, Tori now faces charges in Dubai of attempted suicide and the abuse of alcohol, the system over there rather than protecting this woman who is an Irish citizen, chose instead to detain her to charge her.”

The Sinn Fein supremo told how she talked to Tori on the phone today.

Under 'most incredible stress'

Ms McDonald continued: “She’s now under the most incredible stress when I spoke to her this afternoon.

“Her mother Caroline has travelled to be with her. Tori wants to come home. Simple as that. She’s a Roscommon woman, she wants to come home.

“And I’m asking now as a matter of absolute urgency that we have a statement from this house, that you intervene, that the ambassador is called and it made absolutely plain to the authorities of Dubai that no woman should be treated in this way. And an Irish citizen, an Irish woman will not be treated in this way.”

Hope for resolution

by Gary Meneely

SIMON Harris has vowed to intervene in the case of an Irish woman facing jail in Dubai.

The Taoiseach was speaking after an Irish Emirates Airlines flight attendant was attacked in her home and banned from leaving the state.

Tori Towey, 28, has been charged with attempted suicide and alcohol consumption, and admits she is desperate to return home.

Sinn Fein president Mary Lou McDonald raised her case in the Dail on Tuesday afternoon and asked the Taoiseach what he planned to do.

The Fine Gael leader told the leader of the opposition he had been unaware of the case and promised to do all he can to assist in bringing her home.

Hopefully they can come to a resolution that will see Tori free to return to her loved ones.

Taoiseach Harris told the Dail that he is ready to “intervene” after branding Tori’s plight “the most appalling circumstances”.

He said: “Thank you, Deputy McDonald, for bringing the case of Tori to my attention.

“I’m not directly appraised of the situation, but I’m very happy to be directly appraised of it now.”

The Taoiseach pledged to work with the deputy “to intervene and see how we can support an Irish citizen in what sounds to be - based on what you tell me - the most appalling circumstances”.

'Absolutely frightening'

The Department of Foreign Affairs confirmed it was aware of the case.

A spokesperson for the Department told the Irish Sun: “The Department of Foreign Affairs is aware of the case and is providing consular assistance. As with all consular cases, the Department does not comment on the details of individual cases.”

Claire Kerrane, Sinn Fein TD for Roscommon & Galway, also vowed to press Tanaiste and Foreign Affairs Minister Micheal Martin for help.

Kerrane said: “This is absolutely frightening. I have been in touch with Micheal Martin and I will be raising this in the Dail. The Irish Government needs to intervene on this urgently.”

Dubai move

Tori moved to Dubai in April 2023 when she was offered a job with Emirates Airlines.

But the cabin crew employee’s life in the United Arab Emirates turned into a nightmare after she was attacked in her home.

Tori says the trauma of the assault led to an attempt to take her own life.

And as the shocked victim tried to return home to Ireland, she later discovered she had been charged by Dubai authorities with attempted suicide and alcohol consumption - and was subject to a travel ban.

Sinn Fein President Mary Lou McDonald raised the matter in the Dail
Sinn Fein President Mary Lou McDonald raised the matter in the DailCredit: REUTERS/Clodagh Kilcoyne

Detained in Dubai said: “The victim is charged.

“Tori was told nothing could be done and that the cases against her were going to court on the 18th of July.

“She had been charged with attempted suicide and alcohol consumption.

“Strangely, the UAE has gone to great public relations efforts to promote alcohol as legal in the country. In reality, people are still regularly charged with alcohol consumption and possession.”

You can learn more about domestic abuse and covering your tracks, as well as access support, on the HSE's website.

Contact the gardai or call 999 if you are in immediate danger, or you can also get in touch with Women's Aid on their national helpline on 1800 341 900 or Men's Aid Ireland on 01 554 3811.

You're Not Alone

If you have been affected by any of the issues raised in this article, you can freephone the Samaritans 24 hours a day for confidential support at 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org.

You can also freephone the national Bereavement Support Line run by the HSE and Irish Hospice Foundation at 1800 80 70 77 (Monday-Friday 10am-1pm), and the contact information for a range of mental health supports is available at mentalhealthireland.ie/get-support.

You can also contact Pieta House on their helpline at 1800 247 247, while people can also text HELP to 51444 to reach a counsellor.
