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DISGRACED soldier Cathal Crotty will be sacked from the Defence Forces later this week, it has emerged.

Crotty, 22, received a fully suspended three-year sentence last month after being convicted of a “vicious”, “cowardly” and “unprovoked” assault on Natasha O’Brien in Limerick city in May, 2022.

Cathal Crotty will be sacked from the Irish Defence Forces later this week
Cathal Crotty will be sacked from the Irish Defence Forces later this weekCredit: David Raleigh
Natasha O'Brien has been outspoken about the case
Natasha O'Brien has been outspoken about the caseCredit: Gareth Chaney/PA Wire

The Director of Public Prosecutions last week lodged an appeal against the sentence on the grounds of undue leniency.

The Defence Forces began the internal dismissal process against Crotty on June 21, just 24 hours after he narrowly escaped jail.

According to reports, the thug will formally be sacked from the army on Thursday when the process is completed.

When contacted for comment a Defence Forces spokesperson said: “The Defence Forces unequivocally condemns any actions by serving personnel that are contrary to military regulations or that do not reflect our values.


“The Defence Forces does not comment on the specifics of individuals cases.”

The reason for his dismissal is that he has been convicted of a criminal offence, according to sources.

The coward boasted about the sickening attack to friends on social media afterwards: “Two to put her down, two to put her out.”

This comes as a letter was posted to the family home of Crotty warning him to leave Co Clare or face being kidnapped and hurt.

Gardai confirmed they are investigating the threats to the Irish soldier.

The threatening letter was sent to Crotty’s family residence last Wednesday and addressed to his father.

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It began: “Mr Crotty, please understand this letter has nothing to do with you, so nothing will be done to you or your house.

“But if you do as we ask, all isn’t lost, however in not doing as we ask, it will be a very sad story indeed for your son, Cathal.

“As you are aware, Mr Crotty, your son Cathal done a very, very bad thing on that poor girl… So, since justice wasn’t done in court, me and my men from Dublin and our members from ‘Limerick’ have been talking at our meetings (and) have therefore made a rule that Cathal Crotty from Co Clare near Limerick City will be taken from his home by any means in two weeks’ time, night or day, and (he) will suffer for what he has done to that poor girl who, by the way, wouldn’t hurt a fly."

Gardai said they are aware of the letter and that “enquiries are ongoing”.

There is no suggestion that Ms O'Brien had any knowledge of the letter.

Natasha O'Brien and Ruth Coppinger addressed protesters
Natasha O'Brien and Ruth Coppinger addressed protestersCredit: Gareth Chaney/PA Wire
The thug will formally be sacked from the army on Thursday
The thug will formally be sacked from the army on ThursdayCredit: Gareth Chaney/PA Wire