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A DECISION by Finance Minister Jack Chambers to bring forward the 2025 Budget due to a diary clash has been branded “laughable”.

Sinn Fein insisted the move was instead part of a plan to “pave the way for an early election.”

A move by Finance Minister Jack Chambers to bring forward the 2025 Budget due to a diary clash has been branded 'laughable'
A move by Finance Minister Jack Chambers to bring forward the 2025 Budget due to a diary clash has been branded 'laughable'Credit: 2023 PA Media, All Rights Reserved

Party Finance Spokesperson Pearse Doherty added: “Let’s be truthful about it. I think you’re taking the public for fools.”

But Mr Chambers, later backed up by Taoiseach Simon Harris, said bringing it forward by one week to October 1 ensured it would take place on a more “natural date” given ministerial commitments in Europe the week after.

He told RTE: “We’ve to submit our fiscal and budgetary submission to the European Commission on 15 October.

“And the week prior to that both myself and Minister [for Public Expenditure Paschal] Donohoe will be attending Ecofin and the Eurogroup meeting.


“So 1 October is the natural date to have Budget 2025.���

He said the claim that he was clearing the way for an early general election was wide of the mark adding that the Government is “absolutely committed” to running its full term.

The minister said implementing the finance bill and social welfare bill, included in the budget, will “take a period of time in the aftermath of 1 October”.

Taoiseach Simon Harris later weighed in saying the date change did not signify an early election adding that the move just “makes sense”.

He insisted he is still planning to have an election next year “outside the punch and theatrics of the Dail”.

But Mr Doherty was adamant the idea that “a calendar clash in Europe” had forced Mr Chambers’ hand was “laughable”.

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He said in the Dail: “September is the crucial month for taxation.

“You’re going into this Budget without sight of the September revenue and expenditure figures” to “pave the wave for an early election.”

Mr Chambers hit back to again insist the diary clash was the reason before accused Mr Doherty of a “complete contradiction”.

He said the Sinn Fein man’s party is “calling for an election every day of the week”.

Mr Chambers was given the Minister for Finance post last week after his Fianna Fáil colleague Michael McGrath was nominated for the post of Ireland’s next European Commissioner.
