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EVIL killer Logan Jackson has received a 22-year sentence in the UK for the murder of Limerick boxer Kevin Sheehy, The Irish Sun can reveal.

Jackson, 33, has been told he must serve 19 years and 192 days before he can apply for parole.

Kevin Sheehy was killed in Limerick in 2019
Kevin Sheehy was killed in Limerick in 2019Credit: Sportsfile - Subscription
Logan Jackson has been sentenced to 22 years
Logan Jackson has been sentenced to 22 yearsCredit: Collect

The thug received the sentence last week after he was transferred to the UK from Limerick Prison in 2023.

Jackson was jailed for life here in December 2020 after he repeatedly ran over Kevin, 20, in his Mitsubishi off-roader on July 1, 2019.

He has never apologised for the murder in Limerick and made his request for a transfer before his trial had finished.

Jackson will now serve his time at the Lowdham Grange jail — which was the previous home of notorious road-rage killer Kenneth Noye — as a “Category B” prisoner.


That is just one step below the category given to convicted serial killers and terrorists.

Although Kevin’s mother Tracey Tully fought for Jackson to serve his time in Ireland, she welcomed the sentence imposed by the Sheriff’s Court in Coventry.

The grieving mother was prevented from attending the hearing and was only told about the sentence via email yesterday morning.

Tracey said: “I am delighted at the prison sentence this monster has received for the unprovoked murder of my wonderful son.

Kevin 'should have been going to the Olympics'

“My son should have been going to the Olympics this year but here we are remembering him on the fifth anniversary of his death.

“We wanted Jackson to serve his time here because he murdered Kevin in Ireland but I know that he probably would have only served around 17 years here.

“I also know that he could have applied for parole after 12 years and every two years after that — so thankfully we won’t be put through that trauma.

“I now know what prison he is in and five years on from the loss of my son we no longer have to think about Jackson.”

'That was what he trained his whole life for'

Kevin had hoped to go to the 2024 Olympics, which gets underway in Paris this summer.

Tracey said: “It will be hard for us to watch Ireland in the Olympics because Kevin should have been there.

“We have no doubt that he would have competed there because that was what he trained his whole life for.”

Tracey added: “We’ve only just received the news about Jackson and we’re all trying to absorb it.

'Remember him with pride'

“We haven’t had time to grieve for Kevin but we will remember him with pride now that we know how long his killer will spend behind bars.

“It’s disappointing that I never got to read out my victim impact statement at the court in England but justice has now been done.

“It was also great to get some good news for a change — just a day after my son’s anniversary.

“I can’t thank everyone enough for the support they have shown my family these last five years.”

'I still can't believe it'

Kevin’s sister Cassidy, 17, also spoke of her pain, adding: “I was just 12 years old when I got the worst news of my life — that my brother had been murdered.

“I still can’t believe it and to see my parents and grandparents have their hearts broken is crushing.

“He was my best friend and like a father figure to me.”

The Irish Sun’s revelation comes as we also publish an image of Kevin taken just hours before he was brutally murdered.

Last image

The photograph shows the promising boxer and his pals celebrating Limerick’s win against Tipperary in the Munster Hurling final.

Tracey said: “We received this image on his fifth anniversary this week and it’s just heartbreaking.

“Kevin was on a break from training and he was just enjoying himself with his friends after watching Limerick win.

“A few hours after this phtograph was taken he would be robbed of a wonderful future and our lives thrown into turmoil.”

New focus

Following news of Jackson’s sentence, Tracey told The Irish Sun how her focus would now switch to the two people who helped him after he killed Kevin.

The pair remain at the centre of a major Garda investigation, with a file set to be sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions.

One is a man from the UK who was with Jackson on the afternoon he had a verbal disagreement with Kevin and repeatedly ran him over.

The other is a woman who is suspected of providing support to Jackson and also driving him to different counties in the days after the murder that shocked Ireland.

Inquest delayed

An inquest into Kevin’s death has been delayed as the Garda investigation continues.

Tracey is due to meet with Gardai next week to discuss her son’s case.

She added: “We no longer have to think about Logan Jackson and so our focus is now on those who helped him when he killed my son.

“These people need to be held accountable for what they did and for being complicit in the murder of a completely innocent man.

'I'm not letting this go'

“I’m not letting this go — I’m doing this for Kevin. We just want answers for him and for our family.”

Fianna Fail TD Willie O’Dea, who has provided support to Kevin’s family over the last five years, also welcomed the sentence.

The Deputy said: “I am delighted that this individual has received such a long sentence.

“It’s probably a longer sentence than he would have served in Ireland.

“I fully support Tracey in her efforts to see others brought before the courts and I know there is an ongoing Garda investigation into this matter.

“I hope that justice will also prevail at the end of the ongoing investigation.”

The last picture of Kevin Sheehy
The last picture of Kevin SheehyCredit: Collect
Tracey Tully, mother of murdered Limerick boxer Kevin Sheehy
Tracey Tully, mother of murdered Limerick boxer Kevin SheehyCredit: Brian Arthur - The Sun Dublin