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Boris Johnson to move into No11 pad with Carrie Symonds by the end of next week

BORIS Johnson will move into the flat in Downing Street with his girlfriend Carrie Symonds by the end of next week, it emerged last night.

The new PM is understood to be staying in a government flat in Admiralty House on Whitehall while removal vans complete the clear-out of Theresa May’s belongings to her constituency home in Maidenhead over the weekend.

 Boris Johnson and his girlfriend Carrie will move into No11 by the end of next week
Boris Johnson and his girlfriend Carrie will move into No11 by the end of next week
 He left the smaller flat above No10 for Sajid Javid and his big family
He left the smaller flat above No10 for Sajid Javid and his big familyCredit: The Mega Agency

The Sun revealed earlier this week how Mr Johnson has bagged the spacious flat above No11 Downing Street, leaving Sajid Javid and his big family the smaller one above No10.

The new PM decided to take the four-bedroom apartment as his new home.

Mr Johnson, whose children are grown up, will live there alone with younger girlfriend Carrie Symonds.

Sources last night confirmed the pair would step into their new flat for the first time at some point next week.

It confirms The Sun’s exclusive on Saturday that revealed for the first time that Carrie will be moving in to No10 after weeks of speculation following their row.

 Removal vans turned up in Downing Street as Boris and Carrie prepare to move into their new No11 home next week
Removal vans turned up in Downing Street as Boris and Carrie prepare to move into their new No11 home next weekCredit: PA:Press Association
 Staff from Bishop's Move appeared to be moving out  items belonging to Theresa May
Staff from Bishop's Move appeared to be moving out  items belonging to Theresa MayCredit: Paul Edwards - The Sun
Carrie Symonds waits with Downing Street staff as her partner and new PM Boris Johnson meets Queen