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Rapist dad ‘got his blind daughter, 14, pregnant just months after her mum died of cancer’

A RAPIST dad has been arrested for reportedly getting his blind 14-year-old daughter pregnant just months after the teen's mum died of cancer.

The monster was nicked by cops at his home in the Tam Nong District of north-eastern Vietnam after she gave birth to a baby girl.

 The 14-year-old girl's father was arrested immediately after she gave birth to a child and DNA tests proved it was his
The 14-year-old girl's father was arrested immediately after she gave birth to a child and DNA tests proved it was hisCredit: AsiaWire

DNA tests proved he was the father before police swooped on the property and hauled him into a cell.

His teenage daughter, who has not been named, had earlier left school claiming she was too ill to attend classes.

She worried teachers would visit her at home and realise she was heavily pregnant.

When the young girl later gave birth police launched an investigation after teachers and education officials reported their concerns about her welfare.


Last year, her mother died of breast cancer and the local community rallied round to support the poverty-stricken father and his four children, giving them money to help them make ends meet.

The twisted dad fell into despair after the death of his wife and allegedly spent much of the money on gambling and booze.

Their grandmother said the teenager was blind and suffered from learning difficulties because of a genetic condition that the whole family have, who are all partially sighted.

She added that the family was so poor that all the children shared one bed and that she did not know how they would manage with an extra baby to feed and no man in the house.

A spokesman for the Di Nua Commune People's Committee said local people would try to support the rape victim, her three younger sisters and their two-year-old brother.

But he added that local people had previously given the family 400 million VND (13,690 GBP) after their mother was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Some of the money had been spent on the sick woman's treatment and paying off the family's debts - but the victim's father had spent the rest on gambling and drink, the spokesman said.

 The blind girl gave birth just months after her mother died after cancer
The blind girl gave birth just months after her mother died after cancerCredit: AsiaWire
 Her grandmother said the family received financial help from their villagers following the tragic death
Her grandmother said the family received financial help from their villagers following the tragic deathCredit: AsiaWire

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