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Juror JAILED for repeatedly shouting ‘He’s guilty!’ at suspect on first day of trial because he was desperate to get out of court duty

A judge compared the outburst to someone yelling 'There's a bomb!' on a plane

A MAN was jailed after trying to get out of jury duty by repeatedly shouting "He's guilty!" on the first day of a trial in Hawaii.

Jacob Maldonado spent the night in a prison cell for his courtroom outburst during an assault trial on the paradise US island.

 Potential juror Jacob Maldonado spent a night in a cell after his outburst led to a mistrial
Potential juror Jacob Maldonado spent a night in a cell after his outburst led to a mistrialCredit: AP:Associated Press

A judge locked him up after ruling the disturbance may have affected the 44 other people being considered for jury duty.

The potential juror was arrested on a contempt charge, with bail set at $10,000, after Judge Edward Kubo was forced to declare a mistrial.

At a fresh hearing on Wednesday, Maldonado's lawyer claimed his client was having a bad day at the time.

Attorney Jason Burks said: "He was trying to get out of jury duty.


"Obviously, he took a very improper approach to it."

Mr Burks added that Maldonado's father had recently been diagnosed with cancer and his wife was struggling with medical issues.

Judge Kubo said Maldonado was “continuously yelling, 'He is guilty! He is guilty,'” in a crowded third floor atrium.

The judge told the defendant: "It was so uncalled for. The fairness of a trial is mandated and expected."

He added the outburst was akin to someone yelling "there's a bomb" on a plane.

Judge Kubo said: "We have to take it seriously."

Maldonado apologised and said he would never do it again.

He was released from prison without being charged or fined, and managed to avoid jury duty after all.

 Maldonado ultimately avoided jury duty - as well as a charge or fine
Maldonado ultimately avoided jury duty - as well as a charge or fine
Cat called for jury duty

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