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Families should take grandparents on holiday with them says the government’s ‘loneliness minister’

MP Mims Davies says Brits should follow in the footsteps of European's and include their grandparents more in their daily lives to stop OAPs feeling abandoned

FAMILIES should take grandparents on holiday, says the “loneliness” minister.
Mims Davies wants Brits to be like the Europeans, who include OAPs more in their lives.

 People are being urged to include the elderly members of their family on trips and holidays
People are being urged to include the elderly members of their family on trips and holidaysCredit: Getty - Contributor

She said communities had a “moral duty” to stop the elderly feeling abandoned, and urged employers to give staff more time off to care for them.

Ms Davies, minister for sport and civil society, said: “Very often you’ll be on holiday and find this huge, wonderful plethora of people on the beach and you’ll think, ‘God, doesn’t that look fun?’. ”

The Eastleigh Tory MP added: “I was there for the latter parts of my parents’ lives — I’ll never regret that. You won’t get that time again.

“We’re in a weird place where we are willing to drag our children around and enjoy our lives with them together. But being that sort of extended family is seen as being more difficult.”

 MP Mims Davies says that communities have a 'moral duty' to look after the elderly
MP Mims Davies says that communities have a 'moral duty' to look after the elderlyCredit: Press Association Images
 This year a survey found that almost three quarters of OAPs feel lonely
This year a survey found that almost three quarters of OAPs feel lonelyCredit: Getty - Contributor

This year a Gransnet survey found almost three-quarters of elderly respondents felt lonely.
Ms Davies is considering plans for employers being required to allow staff time off to care for lonely relatives, much as Armed Forces reservists get time off to serve.

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