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MIGRANTS are being smuggled into Europe from Africa on high-speed jetskis at £3,000 a pop.

Traffickers are dumping them close to shore and leaving them to be rescued by coastguards before whizzing back.

 Traffickers leave the migrants in the water so the coastguard has to rescue them
Traffickers leave the migrants in the water so the coastguard has to rescue themCredit: Central European News

They are whisking them on the scary nine-mile journeys across the Strait of Gibraltar to Spain.

Footage emerged of several being deposited at the Spanish territory of Ceuta, north of Morocco.

Coastguards managed to pluck 12 men from the water but one died.

The gangs also charge £400 to take migrants on dinghies.

But jetskis let them make more trips.

But the jetskis has allowed them to be smuggled in in under half an hour.

 One migrant died on a recent crossing
One migrant died on a recent crossingCredit: Central European News
 Traffickers charge £3,000 per head to take the migrants on the jet skis
Traffickers charge £3,000 per head to take the migrants on the jet skisCredit: Central European News
 Migrants are now able to be brought over in under half an hour
Migrants are now able to be brought over in under half an hourCredit: Central European News