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HOLLY Willoughby has broken her silence after a twisted security guard was found guilty of plotting to kidnap, rape and murder her.

Warped Gavin Plumb, 37, hatched the sinister plan to ambush his so-called "fantasy" Holly at her home after growing obsessed with the star.

Holly Willoughby has broken her silence after a warped security guard was found guilty of plotting horror crimes against her
Holly Willoughby has broken her silence after a warped security guard was found guilty of plotting horror crimes against herCredit: Getty
Gavin Plumb was today found guilty of soliciting murder, incitement to kidnap and incitement to rape following a harrowing trial
Gavin Plumb was today found guilty of soliciting murder, incitement to kidnap and incitement to rape following a harrowing trialCredit: PA
The restraint kit Plumb compiled as he plotted to snatch Holly
The restraint kit Plumb compiled as he plotted to snatch HollyCredit: PA
Plumb was arrested after an undercover cop foiled his plot
Plumb was arrested after an undercover cop foiled his plotCredit: PA

The 35st security guard also plotted to "stupefy" Holly using chloroform, before tying her up and taking her to a "dungeon" where her screams would not be heard "for miles".

Plumb was today found guilty of soliciting murder, incitement to kidnap and incitement to rape following a harrowing trial.

The fiend wept as he left the court to be remanded in custody ahead of sentencing on July 12.

Holly, 43, who bravely waived her anonymity so that she could be named in court, has now opened up about the ordeal.

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The ITV star this afternoon said: "As women we should not be made to feel unsafe going about our daily lives and in our own homes.

"I will forever be grateful to the undercover police officer who understood the imminent threat, and to the Metropolitan and Essex police forces for their swift response.

"Thank you to the Crown Prosecution Service, the Rt Hon Mr Justice Murray, Alison Morgan KC, the members of the jury and all involved in this case for ensuring that justice was done and that the defendant will not be able to harm any more women.

"I would also like to commend the bravery of his previous victims for speaking up at the time.

"Without their bravery this conviction may not have been possible."

How Plumb became obsessed with Holly

By Holly Christodoulou, Digital Court Editor

Years before Plumb had even set his sights on Holly, he became fixated on fulfilling a warped kidnap fantasy.

The security guard spent his time hunched over a computer screen as he trawled through forums dedicated to abduction.

In 2006, Plumb tried to lure a terrified cabin crew worker off a train using a threatening note.

He wrote: "I have got a gun. All you have to do is keep quiet. Do what I say. So just stand up and get off at the next stop with me. Don't cry or make a sound.

"Don't stop me from touching you because I won't hurt you. If you do all of this, no-one will get hurt but if you don't I am going to shoot you and myself and everyone else."

Although the plan failed, undeterred Plumb tried again just two days later when he stumbled across another air stewardess on a train.

This time - armed with an imitation firearm and rope - he pretended to be a police officer to get the woman off the train and kidnap her.

But again the plan failed and Plumb retreated back to his online friends to hone his plan.

He put this into practice in 2008 when he attempted to tie up two teenage girls while working in Woolworths.

Holding one 16-year-old at knifepoint, he told her: "Get to the back of the storeroom".

He was locked up but released two years later where he set the wheels in motion to snatch his "ultimate fantasy" Holly.

Drawing from his previous experience, Plumb knew exactly what it would take to "terrify and overpower a woman".

This was evident in his "restraint kit", which consisted of handcuffs, shackles, a gag and two bottles of chloroform.

Thankfully for Holly, he chose the wrong online accomplice to reveal his plan to - an undercover cop who was able to warn police before it was too late.

Hopefully Plumb will now be locked up for a long time so he won't be able to make his disturbing fantasy a reality.
