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A WEEPING security guard has been found guilty of a plot to kidnap, rape and murder Holly Willoughby after growing obsessed with the star.

Gavin Plumb, 37, hatched the sinister plan to ambush his so-called "fantasy" Holly at her home and "stupefy" her using chloroform.

Gavin Plumb has been convicted of a plot to kidnap Holly Willoughby
Gavin Plumb has been convicted of a plot to kidnap Holly WilloughbyCredit: PA
The security guard planned to rape then murder the star
The security guard planned to rape then murder the starCredit: Getty
Plumb was arrested after an undercover cop foiled his plot
Plumb was arrested after an undercover cop foiled his plotCredit: PA

The 35st security guard then wanted to tie the star up and take her to a "dungeon" where her screams would not be heard "for miles".

His twisted plans were only foiled when he divulged all the chilling details to an undercover cop on a site called Abduct Lovers.

Plumb was today found guilty of soliciting murder, incitement to kidnap and incitement to rape following a harrowing trial.

The fiend wept as he left the court to be remanded in custody ahead of sentencing on July 12.

Holly, 43, bravely waived her anonymity in regards to the incitement to rape count so that she could be named in court.

She today revealed she will be "forever grateful" to those who foiled the evil plot.

Holly added: "As women we should not be made to feel unsafe going about our daily lives and in our own homes. I will forever be grateful to the undercover police officer who understood the imminent threat, and to the Metropolitan and Essex police forces for their swift response.

"Thank you to the Crown Prosecution Service, the Rt Hon Mr Justice Murray, Alison Morgan KC, the members of the jury and all involved in this case for ensuring that justice was done and that the defendant will not be able to harm any more women.

"I would also like to commend the bravery of his previous victims for speaking up at the time. Without their bravery this conviction may not have been possible."

Jurors were told Plumb began obsessing over the former This Morning star when his weight ballooned to 35 stone.

Guard details plot to 'kidnap Holly' in chilling voice notes played to court

As he was housebound, he began watching more daytime TV, which led to Plumb developing a "celebrity crush" on Holly.

This turned sinister when Plumb set his sights on snatching the presenter after spending years researching kidnapping celebs.

The security guard even had previous for abduction attempts - targeting two cabin crew workers on a train as air stewardesses were a "fantasy" of his.

He also tied up a 16-year-old girl at knifepoint but was freed from jail for that disturbing offence in 2010.

Following his release, Plumb spent "99.9 per cent" of his time online - trawling through creepy websites for an accomplice as he formulated his Holly kidnap plot.

He collected a cache of millions of images of the presenter and other female celebrities.

Plumb also tracked Holly's movements and activities for "some time" as he gathered intel on her security arrangements.

At one stage, he even considered booking a tour to the ITV studios that would involve meeting presenters.

He discussed the plot with an accomplice named Marc, telling him: "I'm at the point where idc (I don't care) about the risks or consequences."

The restraint kit Plumb compiled as he plotted to snatch Holly
The restraint kit Plumb compiled as he plotted to snatch HollyCredit: PA
He also bought two bottles of chloroform to 'stupefy' the star
He also bought two bottles of chloroform to 'stupefy' the starCredit: PA
Plumb tried to claim his plans were just fantasy
Plumb tried to claim his plans were just fantasyCredit: BBC

In voice notes between the pair, Plumb told how they could strike in the dead of night - using chloroform on Holly and her husband Dan Baldwin to knock them out.

The security guard also said the "home invasion" plan would guarantee that "Phil will get a new co-host" - referring to Holly's former This Morning host Phillip Schofield.

As his ideas began to take shape, Plumb ordered 400 "heavy duty" cable ties from Amazon for a "restraint kit".

He also purchased two £9.20 bottles of chloroform, handcuffs, shackles and a gag - with a chilling image showing all the instruments laid out on his bed.

But greedy Plumb could not resist sharing the secret plot with another person - undercover police officer David Nelson.

In alarming one-on-one chats, he shared videos of the kit and a map showing the route between his house in Essex and Holly's home.

Plumb also used the alias "BigBear" to post pictures of the star on the shocking Abduct Lovers website.

Believing the plan was a "credible" one, Nelson contacted both the FBI and police, who swooped on Plumb's home in October last year.

Plumb told police Holly was a 'fantasy' of his
Plumb told police Holly was a 'fantasy' of hisCredit: PA
He answered 'no comment' during his police interview
He answered 'no comment' during his police interviewCredit: PA
Plumb concocted the plot from his messy bedroom
Plumb concocted the plot from his messy bedroomCredit: PA

Footage showed the officers being greeted by a topless Plumb, who told them Holly was a "fantasy of mine".

He also demanded "what are you talking about?" and asked officers "what the hell was going on".

Plumb was holding a mobile at the time, which he refused to hand over a pin for as officers didn't "need to know that now".

Having heard that police would search his house, Plumb said: "I mean based on what you've said I can pretty much guess what you're looking for."

He later added: "As I said, it's totally taken me by surprise. I know what it's about, I can tell you, I reckon, I, I know what it's about."

Plumb then answered no comment to all questions in two police interviews after he was taken into custody.

Holly meanwhile had been just moments away from going on air for This Morning when she was told about the sick plot.

The mum-of-three, 43, announced later that month she was stepping down from the show after 14 years.

She said in a social media post at the time that she felt: "I have to make this decision for me and my family."

Chilling echoes - how Plumb became obsessed with kidnapping Holly after previous snatch attempts

By Holly Christodoulou, Digital Court Editor

YEARS before Plumb had even set his sights on Holly, he became fixated on fulfilling a warped kidnap fantasy.

The security guard spent his time hunched over a computer screen as he trawled through forums dedicated to abduction.

In 2006, Plumb tried to lure a terrified cabin crew worker off a train using a threatening note.

He wrote: "I have got a gun. All you have to do is keep quiet. Do what I say. So just stand up and get off at the next stop with me. Don't cry or make a sound.

"Don't stop me from touching you because I won't hurt you. If you do all of this, no-one will get hurt but if you don't I am going to shoot you and myself and everyone else."

Although the plan failed, undeterred Plumb tried again just two days later when he stumbled across another air stewardess on a train.

This time - armed with an imitation firearm and rope - he pretended to be a police officer to get the woman off the train and kidnap her.

But again the plan failed and Plumb retreated back to his online friends to hone his plan.

He put this into practice in 2008 when he attempted to tie up two teenage girls while working in Woolworths.

Holding one 16-year-old at knifepoint, he told her: "Get to the back of the storeroom".

He was locked up but released two years later where he set the wheels in motion to snatch his "ultimate fantasy" Holly.

Drawing from his previous experience, Plumb knew exactly what it would take to "terrify and overpower a woman".

This was evident in his "restraint kit", which consisted of handcuffs, shackles, a gag and two bottles of chloroform.

Thankfully for Holly, he chose the wrong online accomplice to reveal his plan to - an undercover cop who was able to warn police before it was too late.

Hopefully Plumb will now be locked up for a long time so he won't be able to make his disturbing fantasy a reality.

Nicola Rice, a specialist prosecutor in the Crown Prosecution Service, said: "Gavin Plumb is a dangerous man who plotted unspeakable violence against one of the nation's most familiar faces.

"Despite his attempts to pass himself off as a harmless fantasist, the prosecution persuaded the jury that Plumb posed a very real threat.

"The chilling details of his plans were laid bear with the help of an undercover officer from the US who alerted the FBI to the threat, and the seriousness of Plumb's scheme was exposed when the prosecution successfully applied to tell the jury about Plumb's previous convictions.

"I hope his conviction brings some comfort to Holly Willoughby and her family, and shows others that the Crown Prosecution Service will always seek the strongest possible charges against those who plot violence against women."

Essex Police thanked Holly for "courageously" supporting the case and bravely waiving her anonymity.

Senior investigating officer Det Chief Insp Greg Wood said: “Gavin Plumb is a dangerous, predatory individual who was intent on causing the most serious harm to his victim.

"He was not just simply obsessed with Holly Willoughby, he meticulously and carefully planned, over a number of years, to carry out a depraved and violent attack, in which he plotted to deprive her of her liberty and ultimately her life.

"His claims in court that he was a ‘fantasist’ are simply not true and were evidenced by the extent with which he plotted with others to carry out his wicked plan.


"Plumb also had a history of attacking other women, attempting to kidnap them using weapons and threats of violence.

"He is a dangerous man and I have no doubt he was determined to carry out the acts he planned."

Holly was told about the plot moments before she was due to go on air
Holly was told about the plot moments before she was due to go on airCredit: Getty
She bravely waived her anonymity so she could be named in the trial
She bravely waived her anonymity so she could be named in the trialCredit: Getty