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Kandice Barber’s ex reveals he’s had a baby with new partner as he blasts paedo teacher’s attempts to proclaim innocence

Ex-husband says Barber deserves everything she gets for her crimes after shocking details revealed

KANDICE Barber's ex has revealed he's had a baby with his new partner - as he blasted the paedo teacher's attempts to proclaim her innocence.

"Calculated and callous" Barber, 38, sent X-rated photos on Snapchat to a 15-year-old student before driving him to a field and having sex with him.

'Calculated and callous' Barber has been banned from the classroom
'Calculated and callous' Barber has been banned from the classroom
Now-ex Danny Barber has recently welcomed the birth of his son
Now-ex Danny Barber has recently welcomed the birth of his son
Danny stuck by Barber when she was first convicted
Danny stuck by Barber when she was first convicted
Danny has now moved on with new partner Charlotte
Danny has now moved on with new partner Charlotte

She groomed the teen while working at a school in Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire, before being jailed for six years and two months in 2021.

The mum-of-three, who was married to Danny Barber at the time, was found guilty of engaging a child in sexual activity.

Barber, from Wendover, Bucks, first flirted with her schoolboy victim over text during an assembly.

After multiple messages were exchanged - including topless photos of Barber - she lured the child into her car, kissed him on the neck and whispered "What do you want to do now?".

read more on barber

The shocking details revealed in court of the sex-mad teacher's behaviour towards the boy have since seen her banned indefinitely from the classroom.

She was this month struck off the teaching register following a misconduct hearing by the Teaching Regulation Agency.

Her now-ex Danny, 40, has welcomed the decision despite initially sticking by the convict.

In an exclusive chat with The Sun Online, Danny revealed how he's moving on with his life following the birth of his son, and that Barber is getting everything she deserves after her crimes.

He said: "I have no personal interest in anything to do with Kandice and the circus, it was the likely decision after her convictions. 

"My understanding of why it has taken so long for this decision to be made is purely the fact she hasn't been a risk to the classroom for the past three years - as she has been in prison.

"My guess is this has only just gone to the education board now because she is due to be fully released in the next six to eight weeks. 

"She should never be allowed to step foot in a classroom again. 

"I believe the education board made the right decision, I have no feelings regarding Kandice and what happens with her."

As a parent you can’t live in fear and think all adults working in a school environment will hurt a child

Danny Barber

Danny went on to say that he doesn't have concerns about sending his children to school, even though he was so close to such a horrific case.

He said that the worry of teachers abusing their trust hasn't been weighing on his mind despite welcoming his son just a few months ago.

He added: "I have had older children go through primary and secondary school with no concerns over their welfare when they have been in school.

"Unfortunately, yes, this kind of incident does happen in schools, it shouldn’t but it does.

"Kandice isn’t the first, and won’t be the last, teaching assistant or adult working with children to be convicted of these offences.

"As a parent you can’t live in fear and think all adults working in a school environment will hurt a child."

Kandice reportedly has shown no remorse for her crimes and still maintains her innocence.

In an awfully-spelt note handed to the hearing board this month, Barber wrote: "Despite the convictions I have always proclaimed my innocentse. [sic]".

She bizarrely also went on to claim that she had never been a teacher in a few sentences that were also spelt incorrectly.

Barber continued: "I am not and never have been a teacher so this is a waste of time!

"Unfortunately due to the conviction and sentence I will be on the sex offenders reg indefinately [sic] therefore will never be able to work in education and nor would I want to! So what is the point?"

Danny continued to exclusively tell The Sun that Barber proclaiming her innocence doesn't shock him as she "always stood by [the fact that] she was wrongly convicted".

Danny Barber's relationship with Kandice

  • Danny Barber met Kandice on a dating app in 2015 admitting she seemed like the woman of his dreams
  • Danny proposed less than a year later
  • The couple then wed eight months after
  • In 2018, Kandice started exchanging messages with the 15-year-old pupil
  • A police officer then turned up at Danny's door to tell him Kandice had been arrested
  • Cops then searched the entire house
  • Kandice swore to Danny it was "all lies" and she hadn't had sex with the teen
  • In 2020, she was charged with three counts of causing or inciting a child aged under 16 years to engage in a sexual act, one count of sexual communication with a child, one count of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activities while in a position of trust, and one count of causing a child to watch a sexual act by a person in a position of trust
  • In 2021 she was convicted of causing a child to engage in sexual activity
  • Danny stuck by her after her conviction before she filed for divorce

Danny has since cut all contact with Barber's family - including her children who he helped raise while they were married.

He added: "I do not have a relationship with Kandice's children, I have moved away and started a new life after divorcing Kandice.

"Kandice's children have the right to move on too, and get on with their lives as best as they can."

Barber's campaign of abuse saw her continue to send the boy sordid texts after she bedded him - even while teaching him in class.

One message read: "You cannot make me blush when I am teaching now, poker face."

She also "threatened" to bring the lad down if he reported her and falsely accused him of rape.

Chair Susanne Staab said at the hearing: "Her grooming and sexual exploitation of him was followed by threats and manipulation, demonstrating a callous and selfish disregard for her pupil’s well-being.

"The public would rightly be appalled by her behaviour."

Last year, Barber was granted a temporary prison release and started working at a site building council homes in Hounslow, west London.

But Barber used the privilege to meet up with convicted fraudster and new lover Jay Delaney.


The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) then decided to strip both Barber and girlfriend Delaney of their temporary freedom after The Sun exposed them.

We exclusively revealed that Barber had been cuddling and holding hands with Delaney during their walks to and from work before sneaking off for secret romps.

Barber was sentenced for six years
Barber was sentenced for six years
Barber recently got involved with fellow convict Jay Delaney
Barber recently got involved with fellow convict Jay Delaney