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Apple delays AirPod release date and tech fans are HEARTBROKEN

The tech giant claims it need 'more time' to produce the super advanced WiFi 'phones

APPLE FANS are heartbroken over the delay to the release of the tech giant's groundbreaking AirPods.

The manufacturer recently stated it isn't ready to put the AirPods on sale and will need "more time".

 The airpods are fitted with a tiny rechargeable battery and work wirelessly
The airpods are fitted with a tiny rechargeable battery and work wirelesslyCredit: PA:Press Association

“The early response to AirPods has been incredible. We don’t believe in shipping a product before it’s ready, and we need a little more time before AirPods are ready for our customers,” an Apple spokesperson told TechCrunch.

Many Apple lovers took to Twitter to air their woes over the delay of the headphones.

The AirPods are an original piece of hardware from Apple, and will obviously be under stringent quality control, with the company wanting to ensure their product is as good as possible before sending it to customers.

While no exact date has been set as of yet for the release of the headphones, we hope they will be available some time before Christmas.

The headphones will work almost exactly like their standard headphones, allowing users to not only listen to music but also to take phonecalls.

They are a marvel of miniaturisation, packing a WiFi chip, battery and digital to audio converter into a tiny package.

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