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New Charlie Hebdo naked Muslim cartoon sees newspaper warned of ‘imminent’ terror attack just 18 months after Islamist killers butchered 10 members of staff

The French publication was targeted in a deadly attack in 2015 during which two extremists massacred people in its Paris offices

POLICE are investigating a death threat posted on the Charlie Hebdo Facebook page after it used a cover cartoon to mock Muslims at the beach.

The French satirical publication was the target of a deadly extremist attack in 2015 after having insulted extremists with its depictions of the Prophet Muhammad.

 French cops are investigating death threats made towards Charlie Hebdo
French cops are investigating death threats made towards Charlie HebdoCredit: News Group Newspapers Ltd

The Paris prosecutor's office has confirmed it has opened an investigation into about a dozen postings on the publication's Facebook page over the past two months.

The cartoon in questioned referred to a recent ban on burkinis on the beaches of Cannes.

It showed two Muslims running naked on the beach, with a caption stating: "The reform of Islam: Muslims loosen up." The Sun Online has chosen not to republish the picture.

Office spokeswoman Agnes Thibault-Lecuivre said a separate complaint was opened for other written threats against the newspaper in June.

An attack on the Charlie Hebdo newsroom - later claimed by Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives - killed 12 people on January 7, 2015.

Brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi stormed the offices then opened fire on staff with assault rifles, grenades, shotguns and pistols.

The pair fled the scene after killing 11, before fatally shooting a police officer on their way out.

 Charlie Hebdo was targeted by the Kouachi brothers in 2015 when they gunned down 12 of its staff
Charlie Hebdo was targeted by the Kouachi brothers in 2015 when they gunned down 12 of its staff
 The attack on the newspaper sparked a wave of support for the publication
The attack on the newspaper sparked a wave of support for the publicationCredit: Getty Images

Two days later, they were tracked down to an industrial building outside Paris where they took hostages before both were killed in a shootout.

The newspaper has been the target of numerous threats, and even attacks predating the deadly Charlie Hebdo massacre.

In 2011, it was the target of a firebombing and a website hacking attack.

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