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MUSLIMS across the country have started to celebrate the holy month of Ramadan.

In the Islamic calendar Ramadan is seen as the holiest month and is considered a period for spiritual reflection, fasting and prayers.

The holy month of Ramadan starts the evening of Monday, April 12
The holy month of Ramadan starts the evening of Monday, April 12Credit: Getty

When is sunrise and sunset during fasting month?

The first day of Ramadan, the ninth month in the Islamic calendar, begins on April, 12, 2021, in the US.

Fasting will begin at sunrise after suhur and then finish at sunset with iftar.

The exact times across the country will vary slightly due to the different time zone, but you can use the handy tool on Islamic Finder to see the correct times in your area..

The month is traditionally viewed as an opportunity to devote, reflect and celebrate the mercy and love of Allah, while the fasting ritual aids reflection on the suffering of others.

Those observing the fast are encouraged to read the Qu'ran.

The holy text is recited at the Tarawih, which are special nightly prayers that would normally be held at mosques.

Muslims are encouraged to pray five times a day during Ramadan
Muslims are encouraged to pray five times a day during RamadanCredit: AP

When did Ramadan start?

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting and prayed, which commemorates when the Qur'an was revealed to the prophet Muhammad.

The holy month began in the United States on the evening of Monday, April 12, and will end the evening of Wednesday, May 12.

A lit Ramadan colorful lantern with flowers and fairy lights in the background
A lit Ramadan colorful lantern with flowers and fairy lights in the backgroundCredit: Getty

What can Muslims do and not do during Ramadan?

Muslims must fast from early morning to sunset each day - meaning no food or drinks.

They must also abstain from bad habits and sins such as smoking, swearing, arguing, fighting or being disrespectful.

Sexual relations are also banned during the hours of fasting.

All male and female adults must take part in fasting.

Muslims must fast from early morning to sunset each day during the holy month
Muslims must fast from early morning to sunset each day during the holy monthCredit: Getty

However, women who are pregnant, menstruating or breastfeeding don't have to fast.

The elderly and chronically ill are also exempt from fasting.

During Ramadan, Muslims are also encouraged to pray five times a day.
