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Horrified woman went to the doctor with ‘appendicitis’ and found out she was in LABOUR… and she smoked and ‘drank loads’ through the whole pregnancy

Robyn Bailey thought she'd gained weight as she was happily loved-up with her boyfriend - but in reality she was carrying a surprise baby.

ROBYN Bailey put her expanding waistline down to being loved-up with her boyfriend - but when she was struck down with 'appendicitis', she discovered she was PREGNANT.

The 23-year-old went to the doctor with a suspected appendicitis, only to discover she was giving birth to a baby she didn't know she was carrying.

 Robyn gave birth to her baby one day after discovering she was pregnant
Robyn gave birth to her baby one day after discovering she was pregnantCredit: PRESS ASSOCIATION

Amazingly, neither Robyn or her partner Luke Darvill, from Haverhill, Suffolk, had any idea that they were parents-to-be, with the couple rowing over fried chicken just hours before their daughter's arrival.

She said: "I had gone up from a size 12 when I started dating Luke to a size 18-20 three years later.

“I just thought it was ‘relationship weight,’ gained because we were so happy together and I hadn’t been watching what I ate.”

Robyn added that she thought that she had had an 'accident' when her waters broke unexpectedly, a situation made more awkward as they were staying at Luke's dad Peter's house - and they were on bad terms after their fast food disagreement.

She added: "I told Luke some mess had come out of me.

“He misunderstood and thought I had soiled myself. He told me to clean myself up.

“We’d earlier that night had an argument over KFC, so we were in a bad mood with each other.”

But, in agony, Robyn couldn’t sleep and called the NHS helpline, 101, who asked if she could be pregnant.

 Robyn thought she had gained weight as she was happy with her boyfriend
Robyn thought she had gained weight as she was happy with her boyfriendCredit: PRESS ASSOCIATION
 Robyn with partner Luke and their surprise baby Daisy
Robyn with partner Luke and their surprise baby DaisyCredit: PRESS ASSOCIATION

“I said no straight away,” she continued. “I hadn’t missed a period, so I didn’t think I was.”

The next morning, still in pain, the couple went to their GP and, told she was expecting a baby any minute, Robyn was sent straight to Addenbroke’s Hospital in Cambridge.

She said: “I couldn’t believe it, I couldn’t stop crying. I was in shock and just kept crying and crying and crying.

“I was on the contraceptive pill and didn’t miss a period.

“I celebrated my 21st at seven months pregnant and drank loads. Two weeks before I gave birth I was out celebrating a friend’s 21st.

“I drank and smoke while expecting. It’s not something I’d encourage, but I simply did not know I was pregnant.”

Taken to hospital by car, it was confirmed she was pregnant – even potentially overdue – and 2cm dilated.

But, after 26 hours of pushing – her mum Kim, 53, joining the couple at the hospital shortly after they got there – her baby still hadn’t arrived.

 Daisy was born with two holes in her heart
Daisy was born with two holes in her heartCredit: PRESS ASSOCIATION

Robyn was given an emergency caesarian and on February 12 Daisy arrived weighing 8lb 12oz – just one day after her mum discovered she was pregnant.

New mum Robyn was besotted, saying: "“I can’t remember how I felt. I was petrified, but I loved Daisy instantly. I loved her immediately.

“My eyes met hers and I loved her. There was nothing like it.”

 The gorgeous little girl has gone on to thrive
The gorgeous little girl has gone on to thriveCredit: PRESS ASSOCIATION

Sadly for the couple, this was just the start of an emotional rollercoaster that would see their tiny daughter nearly die THREE times as doctors carried out TWELVE hours of surgery on her tiny heart.

Exactly two weeks after she was born, Daisy became sleepy and started breathing heavily during a day out in Cambridge.

Initially suspected of having sepsis, she was taken by emergency ambulance to the resuscitation unit at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, where scans revealed she had two holes in her heart.

 The little girl was really unwell and had twelve hours of surgery
The little girl was really unwell and had twelve hours of surgeryCredit: PRESS ASSOCIATION

Robyn initially worried it was her fault, but doctors said her behaviour during pregnancy was not to blame and that her condition was possibly genetic.

She said: "I can’t believe that, within two weeks, I went from being a normal 21-year-old, who was drinking, smoking and didn’t know she was pregnant, to being a mum with a baby with two holes in her heart.

“I first thought, ‘It’s my fault, ‘I didn’t know I was pregnant – I was smoking and drinking.’

“Thankfully, doctors reassured me that was not the case.”

Daisy spent the next five weeks in hospital, having her first four-hour operation in April at Great Ormond Street Hospital in central London.

 Daisy was diagnosed with heart problems when she was only two weeks old
Daisy was diagnosed with heart problems when she was only two weeks oldCredit: PRESS ASSOCIATION

During this surgery, medics inserted an elastic band-style object round her valve, so her heart could function properly.

Then, in November, an eight-hour heart bypass was performed at the same London hospital.

Now, while she is still under the care of cardiology at GOSH, she has come on leaps and bounds.

Robyn, who currently works at a local pub said: "She’s at nursery twice a week. She loves colouring and can count to 10.

“She’s amazing. In a matter of weeks, Luke and I went from not knowing we were having a baby, to nearly losing her.

"It was a real rollercoaster. But my surprise baby was the best thing ever.”

 Daisy enjoys a cuddle with dad Luke
Daisy enjoys a cuddle with dad LukeCredit: PRESS ASSOCIATION
 Robyn and Luke found out they were going to be parents the day before she was born
Robyn and Luke found out they were going to be parents the day before she was bornCredit: PRESS ASSOCIATION

Luke, 26, added: “In a matter of weeks our lives had changed completely.

“We had no idea that Daisy was on the horizon and suddenly Robyn was not only pregnant, but also in labour and giving birth to our baby.

“We weren’t prepared at all, but as soon as we set our eyes on our baby daughter, we were love struck and couldn’t wait to get the next chapter of our lives started. She completed our little family.

“We had been at home for two weeks before Daisy became seriously unwell.

"We were told her heart wasn’t working properly – it was terrifying to think that something we loved so much could be taken away from us.”

 Robyn says Daisy is now an excellent colourer and loves going to nursery twice a week
Robyn says Daisy is now an excellent colourer and loves going to nursery twice a weekCredit: PRESS ASSOCIATION
 The gorgeous toddler has 'completed' Luke and Robyn's family
The gorgeous toddler has 'completed' Luke and Robyn's familyCredit: PRESS ASSOCIATION

The family were supported by The Sick Children’s Trust who provided them with accommodation near the hospitals where Daisy was being treated. Now Luke is running a half-marathon in aid of the charity.

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