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So shellfish!

Student dresses as a lobster and is left red-faced after classmates fail to turn up to school in costumes

George Youel arranged a dress up day but when he arrived after half term he was shell-shocked to find no-one else had

A STUDENT who tried to arrange a dress up day for his fellow pupils was left shell-shocked when he arrived at school as a lobster and realised no-one else had joined in.

George Youel, 18, lived out one of everyone's biggest fears when he turned up to school after half term in fancy dress to find all his classmates in casual clothes.

 A student, who arranged a dress up day at school, was left red-faced when he realised no-one else wore costumes
A student, who arranged a dress up day at school, was left red-faced when he realised no-one else wore costumesCredit: Twitter/@vxolxnt

The 18-year-old, who was dressed as a huge, red shellfish, experienced that sinking feeling as soon as he stepped foot into one of the classrooms at Banbury College.

George had organised a Halloween dress up day for his fellow pupils to come back to just before they broke up for half term on October 21.

 George Youel, 18, said his classmates had agreed to his Halloween fancy dress day at Banbury college
George Youel, 18, said his classmates had agreed to his Halloween fancy dress day at Banbury collegeCredit: Twitter/@vxolxnt

"Everyone agreed," George tells Metro.co.uk.

"People were showing me pictures of what they were going to wear. I was so excited for this.".

 But when the 18-year-old arrived dressed as a huge, red shellfish, he was shell-shocked to realise his classmates were in casual clothes
But when the 18-year-old arrived dressed as a huge, red shellfish, he was shell-shocked to realise his classmates were in casual clothesCredit: Twitter/@vxolxnt

But George's face was left the same colour as his costume when he entered the room and noticed that no-one else had dressed up.

"I’d proudly slid on my lobster suit and made my way to college,  where I pulled into the car park and it finally hit me, I had been stood up looking like a mug," says George.

The teen was expecting to walk into a school full of ghosts, witches and Harley Quinns and but was disappointed when he saw that no-one else had taken part, although he still hadn't lost hope.

"I still had faith in my course that they would’ve at least put some fake blood on," he explained.

 But the day wasn't a complete disaster for George, his costume turned him into a school legend with fellow pupil's taking Snapchats of him
But the day wasn't a complete disaster for George, his costume turned him into a school legend with fellow pupil's taking Snapchats of himCredit: Twitter/@vxolxnt

"I walked to my class with pride, only to find out no one had dressed up but myself.

"Even the teacher was in stitches when he saw my lobster."

But it wasn't all bad for George, his hilarious stunt turned him into a bit of a local celebrity, as other students started surrounding him in the car park and taking Snapchats of him.

 Most people might have gone home as soon as they'd realised what happened but George stood his ground
Most people might have gone home as soon as they'd realised what happened but George stood his groundCredit: Twitter/@vxolxnt

And while most people would've scurried on home, a defiant George kept his head up high and spent the whole day walking around the grounds as a giant lobster.

George said: "I decided to stand my ground at this point and continue being the lobster I always dreamed of being."
