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Revolutionary new fat-busting jab that could help you shed 2st gets green light

TUBBY Brits could soon benefit from a revolutionary fat-busting jab, after watchdog approval.

Trials show a weekly shot of tirzepatide helps overweight adults shed up to two stone in just a year – similar to weight loss seen in those having stomach-stapling surgery.

A revolutionary new fat-busting jab that could help you shed 2st has been given the green light
A revolutionary new fat-busting jab that could help you shed 2st has been given the green lightCredit: Getty

It works by targeting hormones that regulate appetite, helping to slash hunger and calorie intake.

Now the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency says the drug is safe and effective to treat those with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes.

Nearly five million Brits have the condition – with numbers doubling in just 15 years fuelled by the obesity epidemic.

It occurs when the body loses the ability to process sugar, mainly as a result of weight gain and poor lifestyle.


Experts hope tirzepatide can help revolutionise treatment of type 2 diabetes and help reverse the epidemic.

The next step is for drugs watchdog NICE to approve it for NHS use, before it can be prescribed by GPs.

Dr Matthew Capehorn, a family medics at The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust, said: “I’m delighted that tirzepatide has been authorised in Great Britain [by the MHRA], representing a new class of type 2 diabetes medication that can provide another treatment option for eligible patients.

“Living with type 2 diabetes is not easy and in practice we know that many people are not reaching their target blood glucose levels.”

A study involving more than 6,200 patients with type 2 diabetes found those on the highest-dose lost up to 12.9kg in 52 weeks when given tirzepatide alongside standard treatment.

Fernando Campo, Associate Vice President – Head of Diabetes, from maker’s Lilly said: “We are thrilled by this decision.

“Tirzepatide reflects Lilly’s unwavering commitment to delivering innovative solutions for eligible patients.”

Read More on The Sun

Two in three Brit adults are too fat – and the World Health Organisation has warned the UK will be the fat man of Europe in a decade.

Experts hope tirzepatide and similar drugs could also soon be used to tackle obesity.