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How the time you go to bed can ‘predict your risk of deadly diabetes and heart disease’

NIGHT owls are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who go to bed early, a new study has found.

Getting up early could also help prevent heart disease, scientists in the US discovered.

Night owls were found to be less active in the day, meaning they are at higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes
Night owls were found to be less active in the day, meaning they are at higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetesCredit: Getty

The team at Rutgers University in New Jersey found the time you set your alarm can influence your metabolism.

Night owls were found to be less active in the day and worse at using fat for energy, resulting in a build-up of fats which can lead to Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Those staying up late were also less sensitive to insulin, potentially harming health.

Meanwhile, early birds were found to burn fat for energy rather than carbohydrates — thus reducing risk — be more active in the day be and more aerobically fit.


US scientists at Rutgers University in New Jersey monitored daily activity patterns of two groups for a week.

They ate a calorie and nutrition-controlled diet and had to fast overnight to minimise the impact of what they were consuming on the results.

They also assessed body mass, composition, insulin sensitivity, and fat and carbohydrate metabolism via breath samples.

Study senior author, Professor Steven Malin, said: “The differences in fat metabolism between ‘early birds’ and ‘night owls’ shows that our body’s circadian rhythm (body clock) could affect how our bodies use insulin.

“A sensitive or impaired ability to respond to the insulin hormone has major implications for our health.

“We also found that early birds are more physically active and have higher fitness levels than night owls who are more sedentary throughout the day.”

Prof Malin said more research is needed, but added that a person’s natural bed time could help predict their risk of disease.

He added: “This advances our understanding of how our body’s circadian rhythms impact our health.

"Further research is needed to examine the link between chronotype, exercise and metabolic adaptation to identify whether exercising earlier in the day has greater health benefits."

By chronotype the researchers mean an individual's natural tendency to seek activity and sleep at different times.

Type 2 diabetes - what are the symptoms?

Type 2 diabetes is when the insulin the pancreas makes can’t work properly, or the pancreas can’t make enough insulin.

This means blood glucose (sugar) levels become too high.

According to the NHS, the symptoms of type 2 diabetes to watch out for include: 

  1. Peeing more than usual, particularly at night
  2. Feeling thirsty all the time
  3. Feeling very tired
  4. Losing weight without trying to
  5. Itching around your penis or vagina, or repeatedly getting thrush
  6. Getting cuts or wounds taking longer to heal
  7. Having blurred vision

Type 2 diabetes is a serious condition where the insulin your pancreas makes can’t work properly, or your pancreas doesn’t make enough insulin.

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This means your blood sugar levels keep rising.

Without treatment it can lead to serious damage to organs including your eyes, heart and feet, heart attack and stroke as well as kidney problems and sexual problems.
