My wife and I eloped but her family traveled 1,000 miles to crash our wedding – people say it’s ‘stalker-level insane’

This is no grandmother, this is a grand-monster, said one commenter

IT'S the stuff of comedy movies, but a groom is still recovering from his elopement disaster and it's no laughing matter.

Far from it being a loving secret between him and his new wife, he was shocked to discover unexpected guests at the venue.

A couple has suffered an elopement disasterCredit: Getty

His in-laws had traveled 1,000 miles to crash their wedding.

After he posted the drama on Reddit, one commenter considered it "stalker-level insane."

The beleaguered husband laid out the whole sorry saga in his post.

"My new wife had always talked about eloping to Colorado but I work a lot so for one reason or another, it always got pushed off," he said.


But things changed when they found out about their pregnancy.

"We were so excited. We brought four friends with us to Colorado and rented a massive Airbnb on the mountain with beautiful views. It was perfect," he said.

The Rocky Mountain state was considered the ideal location because it was so far from their families.

Or, more particularly, his wife's large extended family, who, he said, were "crazy."


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"She is fully aware of it and was excited to elope so she didn’t have to deal with the repercussions of her mother and sisters. She was raised in a house with a manipulative addict," he said.

[My wife] was raised in a house with a manipulative addict.

Reddit user

"The idea that 'family is all you will ever have” was burned into her brain at a very young age,'" he added.

But a phone call to their perfect mountain cabin was about to turn the happy occasion into a nightmare.

"Her entire family, mom, dad, sisters, sisters' boyfriends, all drove over a thousand miles to crash our wedding," he wrote.


"She had told her youngest sister about it a week before leaving but we didn’t expect them to be crazy enough to crash a wedding that was strategically planned to avoid them and their baggage," he explained.

By this time there was no escaping them and this family brood was not going to give up easily.


"They showed up at our Airbnb, followed us to the venue, and proceeded to make our entire wedding about 'the importance of family,'" he said.

"Her mom even interrupted our ceremony to pray for us.”


After the wedding, they insisted on having a party, even though his pregnant wife couldn't drink.

"Immediately everything went much further downhill. She manipulated my wife after we asked them to leave a place they were never invited to.

“Family is all you have” was the refrain he heard all weekend.

"The photographer and videographer even stopped doing photos and videos because everyone was looking miserable.


"And her mom kept trying to pull her away to a bedroom for 'private family time.'"


"We spent the next two days after our wedding tending to her mother’s need for attention," he said.

"After all was said and done we had a ruined ceremony and her mom would do her best to distract my wife from accomplishing anything.

"We're both so angry at the situation and we took time to calm down before we did anything else," he said and turned to the Reddit community for comfort and guidance.


As usual, Redditors didn't hold back in their opinions.

"Turn off all location sharing. That’s stalker-level insane," fumed one commenter, after the groom revealed his in-laws used a phone app to find them at the Airbnb.

"A 26-year-old adult does not need to share their location with their parents or family. So weird," said another.

"This won't be a marriage, it'll be a war with no winners during that child's entire existence. Poor kid," was the despairing response of one person.


"As someone with a bats**t family, you either cut them off and go to therapy or stay with toxicity forever," they said.


"Sadly, there is no in-between. Many of us with narcissistic parents have tried. Trying to negotiate with insanity and entitlement will exhaust you," they added.

"Good luck with the baby, no sarcasm, but they're going to show up and f**k that up too, 100% guaranteed," was the grim prediction of one commenter.


"I sincerely wish you and your wife the very best going forward. Your MIL upgraded from monster-in-law to grand-monster" wrote another person.

"You, your wife, and your child are the only family that means everything right now," they added.

Redditors said it doesn't bode well for the futureCredit: Getty
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