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No matter what I do, my finace will not have sex with me

DEAR DEIDRE: No matter what I do, my fiance is uninterested in sex and I’m starting to worry that he doesn’t fancy me anymore.

I’m 35, he’s 42 and we’ve been together for four years.

When we first started dating we had an amazing sex life, and sometimes it was hard for us to keep our hands off of each other. 

Yet over the last few years, things have slowed down and now it’s been months since we were last intimate.

These days whenever I try to initiate sex he will refuse with no explanation, or say he’s too tired and go to sleep.

I’ve tried everything to relight our spark. From buying toys to wearing sex lingerie, but he never seems interested.

Every time I bring up the issue he either tries to deflect or tells me that I’m nagging him.

The last thing I want to do is leave but at this point, I’m not sure what to do anymore. 

How can I solve this?

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DEIDRE SAYS: While it’s difficult not to take it personally when your partner goes off sex, it’s rare that it is because they no longer find you attractive. 

You need to pick a moment to talk to him again and try to get to the root cause of this problem. Could he be stressed or is he unhappy about any other aspect of your relationship?

Tell him you need to understand what is going on but if things still remain the same then you have a decision to make.

Read my support pack Different Sex Drives to help.


Dear Deidre on relationships, jealousy and envy