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Thank you

You helped when me when I had a nervous breakdown

DEAR DEIDRE: Family responsibility led me to the brink of a nervous breakdown.

I felt as if all the pressure was on my shoulders, and I had nobody to turn to.

I’m 45, with difficult teenage children and elderly parents, both of whom have dementia.

Caring for them all is hard enough, but then there was a flood in my home and, in the same week, my boiler broke.

I was so anxious I couldn’t sleep. I just wanted to run away and let someone else deal with everything.

You were so understanding. You sent me your Help For Carers infor­mation pack, which listed sources of ­support – practical and emotional – both for me and my parents.

And you told me I needed to talk to someone, rather than taking all the burden on myself.

I was surprised and touched when, a few weeks later, you wrote back to me asking how I was coping.

Thanks to your advice, professional carers started coming to help look after my parents.

Things are still tough, but your help stopped me falling apart.
I’m so grateful.

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DEIDRE SAYS: I’m glad the pressure has eased. But if you feel you can’t cope, do talk to your GP.


Dear Deidre on relationships, jealousy and envy