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Teenage woes

Why did my girlfriend suddenly break up with me?

DEAR DEIDRE: The sudden end of my first relationship has left me reeling.

Last month, my girlfriend changed her mind about being with me, and I don’t understand why.

I’m 19 and she’s 18. We were together for 18 months.

I was so happy with her. She was my best friend and told me she loved me too.

I don’t understand why her feelings have changed.

She said it’s not me, it’s her, but she can’t explain why.

She won’t even speak to me any more. I miss her so much.

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DEIDRE SAYS: The end of your first serious relationship can feel devastating, especially when you didn’t see it coming.

Sadly, only she can tell you why her feelings changed and it sounds like she doesn’t understand it herself.

Perhaps there were signs you didn’t notice. The important thing now is to try to heal and move on.

My support pack, Mending A Broken Heart, should help.


Dear Deidre on relationships, jealousy and envy