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Phone addiction

Doom scrolling is ruining my sex life

DEAR DEIDRE: I believe the reason my husband has lost interest in sex is because he is constantly doom scrolling – spending excessive time reading news on his phone which is making him sad, anxious and angry.

I am 41 and he is 43. We have been married for nine years and have a five-year-old son. My husband is worried about what is happening in Ukraine and also follows the news in Israel and Gaza.

He watches all the bulletins and always has his head in his phone. His behaviour seems to have come out of nowhere.

I have tried to talk to him about the lack of sex but he says he has to keep on top of what is happening in the world.

He obsesses about how dangerous Russia, China and Iran are.

Usually, he is very romantic and affectionate and we used to have sex a couple of times a week.

I miss it and want it back but I am at a loss as to what to do.

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DEIDRE SAYS: It’s so normal to spend time looking at our phones these days that it can be hard to realise when it’s become a problem.

We live in unpredictable times but constantly scrolling through the news can make us more anxious and fearful. It’s a mindless activity and is preventing him from giving you attention.

Ask him to limit checking the news to specific times, perhaps twice a day, and to turn off notifications. My support pack Saving Your Sex Life will help you.


Dear Deidre on relationships, jealousy and envy