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David Collenette: As NATO celebrates 75 years, the alliance is needed now more than ever

Many Canadians still question our role in NATO and the expenditures required to maintain a robust military deterrent. However, if we want global stability, we must convince a younger generation that NATO is as relevant today as it was when at its creation in 1949 and deserving of our support.

2 min read
NATO Trudeau.JPG

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, right, meets with North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at Rideau Cottage in Ottawa, on June 19.

This week, heads of government gather to mark the 75th anniversary of the Washington Treaty that gave birth to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, when global turmoil is at a point not seen in many decades.

The term “crossroads of history” is often used to describe a critical juncture in time. This is certainly the case with the brutal Russian invasion of Ukraine and challenges to the rules based international order established after the Second World War.


US President Joe Biden and his Western counterparts are marking the 75th anniversary of NATO. The summit is taking place just as Russia presses its latest offensive in Ukraine and the political strength of the alliance is being tested on several fronts. (AP Production Tracy Brown / July 8, 2024)

David Collenette is a former Minister of National Defence and currently Chair of the NATO Association of Canada.

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