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‘Disrespectful’ NC500 campervans threatened with fines and given urgent ‘keep out’ warning

Officials have given a list of who should and shouldn't be parking in certain spots

COUNCIL bosses have revealed plans to hit ‘disrespectful’ NC500 holidaymakers with fines.

Locals are up in arms over campervan drivers following the tourist trail who stop overnight in graveyards.

Motorhomes are flooding into the north of Scotland thanks to the NC500
Motorhomes are flooding into the north of Scotland thanks to the NC500Credit: Getty
Council bosses are warning that they are set to issue fines to those who park in graveyards on the NC500 route
Council bosses are warning that they are set to issue fines to those who park in graveyards on the NC500 routeCredit: Getty
A local took this snap of a tourist who stopped at a graveyard last week
A local took this snap of a tourist who stopped at a graveyard last weekCredit: Facebook

Now officials have vowed to take action and are pushing through legislation which will allow them to issue parking tickets.

It means visitors who spend the night in burial grounds could wake up to find a nasty surprise on their windshield.

A spokeswoman for Highland Council said: “It is inconsiderate and disrespectful for people to use burial grounds and cemetery car parks anywhere for the purpose of overnight parking, camping and motor homing.

“It is entirely inappropriate and totally disrespectful to our local communities and the bereaved.”

Read more on the NC500

Locals told how NC500 tourists park up in graveyard spots and hang up their washing. Some have even been spotted holding BBQs.

This is in full view of bereaved loved ones and can sometimes even interfere with funerals.

The council spokeswoman made it clear that motorhomes should only be using official parking sites.

She said: “Our burial ground car parks are for the use of families.

“They’re for the bereaved to visit the plots and lairs of their passed loved ones and for visitors researching their genealogy and local history.

“The car parks are also for council staff and stonemasons who require access to maintain the grounds and memorials.”

Parking outside graveyards and churches is banned in the Highlands and was outlawed three years ago.

But residents claim that little to no enforcement is done, and warning signs have only been erected in a tiny amount of sites.

They fear that the scrapping of the rangers who patrolled the NC500 will make the problem worse this year.

Meanwhile more tourists are visiting the Highlands in campervans than ever before because of the explosion in popularity of the route.

Council bosses claim they have the matter in hand and are pushing through measures which will allow them to take action.

It’s thought these were going to be put into force last year but the local authority vowed to introduce them soon.

The spokeswoman added: “To improve matters we are working on mandatory off-street car park restrictions via a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for burial ground car parks. 

“The work is progressing with a goal to have the orders published during 2024. 

“This will allow the issue of penalty charge notices to unauthorised vehicles.”

Locals are desperate to see the council take action to deal with graveyard parking.

One said: “A cemetery car park is not an appropriate location to park overnight, have BBQs, hang out your laundry, have a campfire or set up a tent.  

Read more on the Scottish Sun

“This shocking behaviour angers local people more than any other behaviour. 

"Imagine going to visit your family and having to contend with this level of disrespect?"
