Accessing our website may lead to the retrieval and/or the storage of information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Such information can be personal to a certain extent, such as information about your preferences and/or your device. This information is mostly used for the purpose of enhancing your online experience and ensuring the website works as expected. The use of cookies can give you a more personalised web experience without directly identifying you. You have the ability to enable or disable cookies by category. Some website features may not be available when certain cookies are disabled. The description of each cookie category can be found in the sections below.

You can change your cookie preferences by clicking the 'Cookie preferences' button below

  1. What are cookies?
  2. Types of cookies
  3. Cookie policy updates

When you visit a website, it downloads small text files called cookies to your computer or other internet-enabled devices (such as mobile phones and tablets). The cookie will aid in the recognition of your device the next time you visit the page. Cookies can be used for a range of things, such as remembering your preferences, tracking your activity, analysing usage, and improving your user experience. Most cookies will not gather information that can be used to identify you. Instead, they will collect more basic information about you, such as your general location or how you access and utilise our targeted advertising websites.

We may change our cookie policy from time to time to keep it in-line with legal requirements. This may also change to align with the way we operate our Platforms. Any changes to our cookie policy will be shown on our cookie policy page.