Your Queer Weekly Horoscope: May 6-12

A bite-sized look at the ups and downs of the week ahead.
Weekly Horoscope a stylized illustration of a figure standing in a globe wireframe with all the astrological symbols...
Ariel Davis

Welcome to your Queer Weekly Horoscope, a bite-sized look at the coming days broken down by your zodiac sign.

This week is for talking through old problems, creating new patterns, and embarking upon fresh beginnings. That is, unless you're not in the mood to do any of that! If you’re not quite ready to make changes yet, you’ve got the option to pass on development this season and put it off until the next. Chatty Mercury passes through conjunction with recuperative Chiron to promote healing. The Sun’s sextile angle with Saturn encourages organization and responsibility. The New Moon moves through conjunction with the Sun, resetting the cycle and offering fresh opportunities… if you want to take them up.

The fate of Taurus comes first for this weekly horoscope, then we’ll proceed through each sign until everyone’s destiny is decreed. And if you know more of your placements than your Sun Sign alone (Moon, Rising, Mars, Venus, etc.), check their entries as well to get a full picture of your astrological forecast.

What the stars are up to:
  • The Sun, Jupiter, Uranus, and your ruler Venus are in your sign.
  • The Sun forms a sextile with Saturn.
  • The New Moon in your sign squares off against Pluto; passes through conjunction with Venus, the Sun, Uranus, and Jupiter; and forms sextiles with Saturn and Neptune.
What it means:

You’re not budging from where you want to be, not until you’re good and ready. The New Moon is usually symbolic of new beginnings, but who’s gonna make ya turn over a new leaf if you don’t feel like it? Not the Sun! It’s not that you’re in a lazy mood at the moment; on the contrary, Saturn has you working industriously on personal projects. Sometimes a particular chapter of life is just long and dense, and you’re not ready to turn the page until you’ve fully absorbed every word. This season, you’re taking your time to truly figure your shit out before stepping into a fresh stage of life.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler Mercury is in Aries.
  • Mercury passes through conjunction with Chiron.
  • The waxing crescent Moon in your sign creates a trine with Pluto, forms sextiles with Mars and Mercury, and squares off against Saturn and Neptune.
What it means:

Talk therapy, here we come! Your chatty sign ruler Mercury hooks up with Chiron, the centaur of injury and healing, and gets you gabbing about stuff that hurts. Unlike Taurus, you are ready and willing — even eager! — to leap ahead into enormous, irrevocable life change. The tough part is staying smart about your decisions while you’re feeling impatient. Be careful! The forces of organization and intuition are not in your corner at present.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your ruler the Moon travels through Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and returns to your sign.
  • The New Moon in Taurus passes through conjunction with the Sun.
What it means:

Your sign ruler the Moon cuddles up very close to the Earth, and then it steps into perfect alignment with the soul-governing Sun. You love the whole entire world just a little bit, even though every human scurrying around on its surface is getting on your last damn nerve. You’re exhausted by the time Saturday rolls around, but hey! It’s the weekend! Give yourself some time to rest. By Sunday, your wants become so insistent that you rally into determination to attain them.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler the Sun is in Taurus.
  • The Sun forms a sextile with Saturn.
What it means:

You don’t have any tolerance for time-wasting nonsense right now. Your ruler the Sun makes an alliance with Saturn, and a small spark of ambition flames up to fire inside your brain. You know exactly what you need to do, and you’re going to go do it. Oddly enough, you’re in a state of solidarity with water sign Pisces at the moment. If you need the help of a partner to accomplish any of your immediate aims, seek the assistance of a fish-person.

What the stars are up to:
  • Lilith is in your sign.
  • Your sign ruler Mercury is in Aries.
  • Mercury passes through conjunction with Chiron.
What it means:

Hurray, Gay Science by Rob Anderson has ascended to a bestselling spot on the New York Times Advice, How-To & Miscellaneous list! We love some good, hard gay science around here, and it’s always affirming to see a Virgo’s effort thrive.

The Virgos of my personal acquaintance have been going through it lately, but a light of hope glints at the edge of the horizon. This week, your sign ruler Mercury joins forces with recuperative Chiron to promote healing. You’ve still got shady Lilith hovering over your shoulder, whispering in your ear to be selfish, but maybe it’ll work out in your favor for once. Pay attention and choose the path that seems most likely to work for you. Ignore everything else.

What the stars are up to:
  • The South Node is in your sign.
  • Your sign ruler Venus is in Taurus.
What it means:

Your fellow Venusian sign Taurus is sitting still this week, content to linger on the same chapter of life despite the New Moon’s offer of a fresh beginning. You are also sitting still this week, stuck tight in continued frustration as the past-prioritizing South Node monopolizes your sign. If you want to turn some pages of X-rated kinky polyamorous pansexual erotica while you wait for the plot of your own life to pick back up, the books of contemporary romance author Katee Robert have got your needs covered. If you’re going to be stuck in place, you might as well read.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler Pluto is retrograde in Aquarius.
What it means:

Excellent news! Nothing major on the docket for Scorp this week other than being slightly out of touch and vaguely weird. Enjoy your time impersonating an Aquarius, and I mean that with an alarmingly enthusiastic level of affection.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler Jupiter is in Taurus.
What it means:

You should hang out with Scorpio this week… or maybe not. Neither of you have anything pressing scheduled, which means that if you get together, you’ll probably cause a lot of trouble for other signs who are simply trying their best to mind their own business.

If you’re struck with a sudden urge to be helpful, go listen to your sibling sign Gemini pour their heart out about all of their woes in life. They don’t actually require any serious investment or practical advice from you; they just need somebody to listen and say “wow!” and “yeah” at appropriate intervals while they talk.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler Saturn is in Pisces.
  • The Sun forms a sextile with Saturn.
What it means:

I am behind on 2024 TV and cinema because I have been working like a Capricorn. (This state of affairs is not permanently sustainable, since I am not a Capricorn.) For the time being, I have been attempting to catch up on everything I’m missing by reading the Entertainment section of this very website. Them is saving my social credibility! I haven’t seen a movie in months, but I haven’t been caught out ignorant in water cooler conversation yet!

One particular line in this roundtable about phallic food chomping in the film Challengers made me laugh out loud: “Art, the supplement-swilling cuck, and Patrick, the fruit-eating Chad.” I already snort reliably when queer people ironically deploy manosphere phrasings to describe homoerotic filmic food-eating sequences. But the hilarity was heightened when I realized the sentence was penned by Them’s Capricorn senior culture editor, making a disparaging reference to a character played by Capricorn actor Mike Faist, who was in turn performing the extremely Capricorn-coded action of maximizing his efficiency by consuming nutritional supplements instead of delicious food! Capricorns love insulting other Capricorns, even — especially? — when their criticism ultimately deprecates themselves. This line is a Capricorn “ad out,” if I’m understanding my Google search of tennis terms correctly, ending the game in favor of the receiver after stacking up a tied triple score.

Anyway! Business as usual for y’all this week. Your self-identity is reaffirmed through your unwavering commitment to labor, even as you mock yourself for your own continuing effort.

What the stars are up to:
  • Pluto is retrograde in your sign.
  • Your sign ruler Uranus is in Taurus.
What it means:

Pluto, the celestial influence currently occupying your sign, is slowly cruising retrograde, and its reverse perspective orbital direction mutes its influence. Uranus, your very own sign ruler, is antagonistically square to your sign until 2026. Still — perhaps even more dramatically in response to these hindrances — you are managing to become ever gloriously weirder, every day! Carry on roller-skating backwards down the sidewalk of life.

What the stars are up to:
  • Saturn and your ruler Neptune are in your sign.
  • The Sun forms a sextile with Saturn.
What it means:

Look at you, productivity icon! The Sun nudges industrious Saturn in your sign with a gentle gesture of encouragement, and here you are organizing all areas of your life into the most beneficial arrangements possible. You’re so businesslike this week you should toss on a blazer and schedule a networking lunch with Leo. If you’ve been putting off a minor task due to lagging executive function, now’s the time to adopt your bossiest professional demeanor and smite it from your to-do list.

What the stars are up to:
  • Chiron, the North Node, Mercury, and your ruler Mars are in your sign.
  • The waning crescent Moon in your sign passes through conjunction with Mercury.
  • Mercury passes through conjunction with Chiron.
What it means:

Talkative Mercury lines up in cooperation with healing Chiron, and suddenly you’re able to put words to the restorative steps you need to take in order to mend old wounds. Freely spilling about your vulnerabilities isn’t typically your move, but now’s a great time to give it a chance! Naming and discussing influences, behaviors, and reactions helps you discover patterns, and then make changes to routines that don’t work for you anymore.

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