Your Queer Weekly Horoscope: March 11-17

A bite-sized look at the ups and downs of the week ahead.
Weekly Horoscope a stylized illustration of a figure standing in a globe wireframe with all the astrological symbols...
Ariel Davis

Welcome to your Queer Weekly Horoscope, a bite-sized look at the coming days broken down by your zodiac sign.

This week is relatively quiet, but don’t be deceived into believing it will be completely tranquil. The underlying mood is still intense. First, Venus moves from Aquarius to Pisces. When the planet of desire dives into a vast ocean of liquid emotion, everyone in the zodiac feels the shift. The First Quarter Moon in Gemini is combative, railing against the prevailing seasonal trends of acceptance and emotional processing. Finally, the Sun is scheduled to passes through conjunction with Neptune in Pisces, helping everyone reach a higher level of self-understanding.

Pisces kicks off this weekly horoscope, then we’ll travel through each sign until everyone’s fate has been examined.. If you know more of your placements than your Sun Sign alone (Moon, Rising, Venus, etc.), check their entries as well to get a full picture of your astrological forecast.

What the stars are up to:
  • The Sun, Saturn, and your ruler Neptune are in your sign.
  • Venus moves from Aquarius to your sign.
  • On Sunday, the Sun passes through conjunction with Neptune.
What it means:

Nobody else handles processing quite like a Pisces. For the final full week of your season, y'all have generously decided to bestow the entire zodiac with an opportunity to sit quietly with our feelings.

On Monday, Venus moves from Aquarius to your sign. For the time being, the planet of attraction holds itself aloof from interaction with other influences. Instead, it simply asks you to absorb the truth of your own desires. That's not an easy task. Honoring your wants often requires focus and courage: first, to recognize your yearnings, then to accept them. You're coming off a series of emotionally intense weeks, which culminated in a fresh beginning with the New Moon in your sign. Now it's time to sit still for a spell and really let all of that sink in.

On Sunday, the Sun steps in line with your sign ruler Neptune. Your boss planet is all about intuition, but also illusion. You know its dangers well. Neptune's influence can steer you unerringly via your gut instinct, or it might prompt you to start chasing a mirage. This is why the preceding week’s preparation is so important. You need to do some deep soul-searching to make sure you truly know what you want before committing to the best direction.

What the stars are up to:
  • Mercury, Chiron, and the North Node are in your sign.
  • Your ruler Mars is in Aquarius.
  • The waxing crescent Moon in your sign forms a sextile with Mars.
What it means:

It’s almost your season, Aries! Just one more long, slow week to wait, carefully contemplating all of the changes you’ve recently undergone. Honestly, that sounds torturous for the average Aries. But you’ll ultimately be fine with a week of delay. You really do have a lot to process, and as a treat, I’ll skip ahead and tell you just a little more about your future than everybody else.

Your season starts a couple days into next week, in the last hour before midnight Eastern Time on Tuesday March 19. Earlier that afternoon, during the final stretch of Pisces season, Mercury moves into conjunction with the North Node in your sign. Around 12 hours before the start of your own season, you’ll have an epiphany of articulation: You will not be able to hold back a flood of conversation about your future. Instruct your nearest and dearest to take a seat and get comfortable. You will monologue until the path of your destiny has been exhaustively described.

What the stars are up to:
  • Jupiter and Uranus are in your sign.
  • Your ruler Venus begins the week in Aquarius, then moves to Pisces.
  • The waxing crescent Moon in your sign forms sextiles with Venus, Saturn, the Sun, and Neptune; squares off against Pluto and Mars; and passes through conjunction with Jupiter and Uranus.
What it means:

It’s time to step past a state of suspension and actually feel your feelings. I know, I’m sorry; my sincerest condolences. Your sign ruler Venus is diving deep into Pisces, just swimming way, way out there into the most turbulent water sign, with no safety raft or swim floaties in sight. But hey! It’s almost spring, and the flowers of your soul can’t sprout without sufficient hydration. You’ll be overwhelmed with new growth after the dunking you’re about to take. If you’ve ever had an emo phase, get ready to resurrect that era. And if not? Well, hopefully your current style will still allow you to pull off an impulsive scene hair makeover.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your ruler Mercury is in Aries.
  • The First Quarter Moon in your sign creates trines with Pluto and Mars; squares off against Venus, Saturn, the Sun, and Neptune; and forms a sextile with Mercury.
What it means:

Your First Quarter Moon — and thus, your emotional state — absolutely does not vibe with any of the themes of the final week of Pisces season. You’re angry about attraction, responsibility, self-acceptance, and intuition. All you want to do is to rant aggressively. More power to you! Geminis are uniquely talented at polemic expression, and y’all deserve a soapbox upon which to boldly spout off all of your unpopular opinions. Basically no one else will want to hear what you have to say this week, but that’s weirdly motivating, right? Dismissal stokes aggravation, which only fuels your rage. Try to channel the feeling productively, if you can.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your ruler the Moon travels through Aries, Taurus, and Gemini to reach you, ending the week in your sign.
  • The First Quarter Moon squares off against the Sun in Gemini.
What it means:

The Moon spends the whole week — hell, it’s spent the whole season — making its way back to you. (To be scrupulously accurate, the Earth’s satellite actually hops into Leo a few hours before the Sun moves to Aries, but for the sake of symmetry let’s just say the Moon’s presence bookends your Pisces season.) In the overarching emotional narrative of these four weeks, you begin and end the story in a place of personal power.

You are ready to embrace initiative, to do something, to leap into action and make a change. You only find yourself stalled by others’ resistance to join in your momentum. If you truly crave cooperation at this time, seek out Gemini and Aries for companionship. But when the Moon arrives in your sign to close out the last water season until your own time with the Sun, your frustrations will flow into a stream of action.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler the Sun is in Pisces.
  • The Sun passes through conjunction with Neptune.
What it means:

Others rarely think of Leo as an introspective sign, which is honestly kind of hilarious. They take your surface show very seriously; they never realize that fabulous plumage can serve as very effective camouflage for sensitivity. Plan your wardrobe for the coming week well, so that everyone will remain distracted by your dazzle and leave your heart the hell alone. You’re about to have a profound communion with your own intuition, an uncanny sense of knowing that will tell you exactly where you need to go, if you only listen properly. If you’re out there dancing too hard for the crowd, unable to hear your own heartbeat over the sound of the music, you could easily be misled.

What the stars are up to:
  • Lilith is in your sign.
  • Your ruler Mercury is in Aries.
What it means:

You’re feeling very assertive… and alone. That’s not an admonishment, simply a statement of fact. This is next week’s queer horoscope, not a mid-20th century advice column insisting that you diminish your personality to find some awful facsimile of love. For now, you’ve got self-prioritizing shadow sovereign Lilith hanging out in your patch, and your talkative sign ruler Mercury recently smashed down the door to swagger into fiery Aries. You’ve got a lot of confidence happening, but one more week to go before most of the zodiac is interested in paying attention to you. Just keep doing your thing. Everyone else will catch up shortly, and then you’ll be able to say that they were all late.

What the stars are up to:
  • The South Node is in your sign.
  • Your ruler Venus begins the week in Aquarius, then moves to Pisces.
What it means:

Your sign ruler Venus moves to Pisces on Monday, and you’re ready to free dive all the way down into the ocean of your emotions. You’ve been training for this for a while, clinging to memories of your past. Now, you’ll begin to figure out which stories you want to keep, and which details you should wash away in the water of time. You can’t suppress all knowledge of your own history, appealing as that may sound at times. Without those ties, you’d drift away untethered. But you don’t need to carry the entire burden around on your person forever, either. Now, you’ll do some serious sorting of your past and determine which parts you should pack up and take along for the ride, and which you should mourn and release.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler Pluto is in Aquarius.
What it means:

Like Pisces and Cancer, you are a water sign, but when it comes to feelings, you maintain strict boundaries and protect yourself with shields of ice. Distance is often preferred when it comes to examining emotion: You’d rather hold it out at arm’s length to look, where there’s no danger it might pierce you with its claws. With Venus in Pisces, it’s more difficult to enforce that dynamic. Steel yourself for a big, sticky hug from the ruler of desire. It will probably feel uncomfortable, but hey! By the time it releases its grip, you’ll definitely know what you want.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler Jupiter is in Taurus.
What it means:

What’s happening with you this season, Sag? You seem happily occupied, but you’re doing that thing where you fixate on your current activities and forget that the rest of the world exists. That’s fine, truly. It would be unnerving if everyone could account for a Sagittarian’s whereabouts and motivations at all times! Still, consider popping up momentarily to toss off a quick wave hello so your friends won’t worry. Then you can get back to snorkeling through the water of whatever it is you’ve got going on at present.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler Saturn is in Pisces.
What it means:

You’ve been deeply attuned to the mood of the season — or maybe it’s that the theme of the season is really vibing with you. Your sign ruler Saturn is in Pisces, and everyone’s ambitious about organizing their emotions. It’s a little bit easier to confront the vast sea of feeling with that attitude. You’re just picking up sensations, dusting them off, and then filing them away in their proper places on your mental bookshelf. At this rate, you’ll be finished with spiritual spring cleaning by the time Aries season gets underway.

What the stars are up to:
  • Mars and Pluto are in your sign.
  • Venus begins the week in your sign, then moves to Pisces.
  • Your ruler Uranus is in Taurus.
What it means:

Say goodbye to Venus. You’ll see it again at the end of the year! For now, you’re left in the company of Mars and Pluto to consider the aftermath of the second planet’s passage. Hopefully you have a better understanding of your desires because, at this point, it’s time to go get them. You’ve got sufficient energy for the undertaking, and you’re not afraid to grapple with change. This week will be a productive period of preparation. Set your emotional affairs in order before Aries season begins.

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