Your Queer Weekly Horoscope: June 3-9

A bite-sized look at the ups and downs of the week ahead.
Weekly Horoscope a stylized illustration of a figure standing in a globe wireframe with all the astrological symbols...
Ariel Davis

Welcome to your Queer Weekly Horoscope, a bite-sized look at the coming days broken down by your zodiac sign.

Pride Month is kicking off with a whole lot of yapping. This week, the famously chatty Mercury is moving to one of its favorite signs, Gemini, and starting an entire zodiac-wide conversation with important connections to Pluto, Jupiter, and the Nodes of the Moon’s orbit. If you weren’t in a talkative mood already, now is the time to prepare. Let’s all do some vocal warm-ups together: “Red leather, yellow leather, red leather, yellow leather.” Ready? OK! Let’s go.

Elsewhere in the skies this week, Venus longs for the future and examines the past in partnership with the North and South Nodes, but rejects responsibility in distaste for disciplined Saturn. The Sun shares a moment of transcendent togetherness with Venus, then also snubs the ambitions of Saturn. The New Moon in Gemini sets the stage for sweeping new beginnings, and Mars carries a surge of motivational energy from Aries to Taurus.

We’ll start this weekly horoscope with Gemini, then proceed through each sign until everyone’s destiny has been discussed. If you know more of your placements than your Sun Sign alone (Moon, Rising, Mars, Venus, etc.), check their entries as well to get a full picture of your astrological forecast.

What the stars are up to:
  • The Sun, Venus, and Jupiter are in your sign.
  • Your ruler Mercury leaves Taurus and moves to your sign.
  • Venus forms a sextile with the North Node and squares off against Saturn.
  • Mercury creates a trine with Pluto, passes through conjunction with Jupiter, and forms a sextile with the North Node.
  • The Sun passes through conjunction with Venus and squares off against Saturn.
  • The New Moon in your sign creates a trine with Pluto; passes through conjunction with Jupiter, Mercury, the Sun, and Venus; squares off against Saturn and Neptune; and forms a sextile with Mars.
What it means:

This is a week for life-changing conversations. In classically haphazard Gemini fashion, you’ll probably realize what you actually meant after you finish saying it. You’ll notice that your desires have shifted after you explain your own priorities out loud to yourself, most likely by accident during a totally unrelated chat with someone else. But as soon as you finally understand what you want, it will feel strangely easy (and fun!) to make the major life changes you need to attain it.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler the Moon travels through Taurus, Gemini, your sign, and Leo.
  • The New Moon passes through conjunction with the Sun in Gemini.
  • The waxing crescent Moon in your sign creates trine with Saturn and Neptune, and forms a sextile with Uranus.
What it means:

The New Moon in Gemini is louder than usual, clamoring for bold, reckless feats of expansion. You’ll probably notice yourself talking more than usual, stumbling into instances of deep connection even during moments of casual conversation. These flashes of intimacy might make you feel a bit uneasy, almost too in-tune with others. When the Moon moves to your sign, you withdraw to spend a few days nurturing your own private thoughts.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler the Sun is in Gemini.
  • The Sun passes through conjunction with Venus and squares off against Saturn.
  • The New Moon passes through conjunction with the Sun in Gemini.
What it means:

You are at elevated risk of initiating melodrama, on orange alert for an attention-demanding outburst, while you’re caught in an intense tug between impulses. You crave something you really, really desire, but you also feel totally repulsed by the suggestion of rules and responsibility. Any work that stands in the way of you and the object of your want will seem loathsome; if it’s trivial and easily accomplished, all the worse! You’ll still get it done, of course. Look at it this way: You’re allowed to complain the whole time.

What the stars are up to:
  • Lilith is in your sign.
  • Your sign ruler Mercury leaves Taurus and moves to Gemini.
  • Mercury creates a trine with Pluto, passes through conjunction with Jupiter, and forms a sextile with the North Node.
What it means:

You’re at high risk for making some truly wild decisions this week. They may work out well! They’ll certainly set the course for your short-term future. But will they be rational and sedately considered? Absolutely not! That’s fine. Sometimes we operate in mysterious ways. Human beings need a certain amount of surprise in order to discover ourselves. But don’t do that thing where you pretend you’re being reasonable when you know full well that you’re absolutely not. Open your heart to Gemini season and embrace the chaos.

What the stars are up to:
  • The South Node is in your sign.
  • Your sign ruler Venus is in Gemini.
  • Venus creates a trine with the South Node and squares off against Saturn.
  • The Sun passes through conjunction with Venus.
  • Mercury creates a trine with the South Node.
What it means:

You’re off the trail and lost in the woods. Don’t panic, but don’t whistle to yourself either, and certainly don’t respond if you hear any soft voices calling your name! You’ve got to take some serious consideration and truly figure out where you want to go next. It could take some time to parse out, but just keep strolling forward steadily while you’re thinking. When you eventually realize what the path ahead should look like, you won’t find it; rather, it will reveal itself to you.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler Pluto is retrograde in Aquarius.
  • Mercury creates a trine with Pluto.
What it means:

Another paradigm-shifting conversation on the books for you! Don’t you love it when that happens? A subtle turn of phrase deployed unexpectedly in an unlikely chat will permanently alter your understanding of the world moving forward. Communication is often difficult, but stringing words in a particularly appealing sequence is magic.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler Jupiter is in Gemini.
  • Mercury passes through conjunction with Jupiter.
What it means:

Good grief, everyone else better take cover! You are one of the talkiest signs in the zodiac, rivaled only by your sibling Gemini, and now both of your ruling planets are alignining in an explosive conjunction of conversation. If you and Gemini try to pass each other with a casual head nod of acknowledgement, you’ll stop in your tracks instead and stand there talking for two hours. If you’re foolhardy enough to hop on a Facetime with each other, you’ll be trapped for at least eight hours of nonstop gab. More power to you; please exhaust your seemingly endless supply of chattiness on each other!

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler Saturn is in Pisces.
  • Venus squares off against Saturn.
  • The Sun squares off against Saturn.
What it means:

Ahh, crumbs. I hate to deliver bad news to Capricorns. Y’all always take it so stoically, and somehow I end up feeling like I should apologize for bringing it to your attention. Anyway, you’re at pretty serious odds with yourself this weekend, unable to reconcile tension between your wants, your perceptions, and your reality. You’ll probably face that stoically too, and stubbornly attempt to ignore the frustration until it disappears.

What the stars are up to:
  • Pluto is retrograde in your sign.
  • Your sign ruler Uranus is in Taurus.
  • Mercury creates a trine with Pluto.
What it means:

You’re going to drop some wisdom on somebody this week. It probably won’t occur to you that you’ve uttered anything profound, but unbeknownst to you a relative stranger will adopt some off-the-wall statement you make as a lifelong mantra. Do you ever think about how often people you barely know continue to quote stuff you’ve said, sometimes for years down the line until they can’t even remember the source? It’s fascinating how we all carry rattling echoes of past conversations into every new discussion we enter.

What the stars are up to:
  • Saturn and your ruler Neptune are in your sign.
  • Venus squares off against Saturn.
  • The Sun squares off against Saturn.
What it means:

Uh oh, time for a blue-tinged, goth-adjacent mood! Your deepest cravings and self-conception suddenly rebel against the fetters of obligation. You never asked for the burden of having responsibility in the first place! Fortunately, your finely honed appreciation of irony allows you to cultivate some sense of enjoyment, even in your currently dour straits. Over the weekend, you’re in for some real “only happy when it rains” kind of vibes.

What the stars are up to:
  • The North Node and Chiron are in your sign.
  • Your ruler Mars begins the week in your sign, then moves to Taurus.
  • Venus forms a sextile with the North Node.
  • Mercury forms a sextile with the North Node.
What it means:

When she became the first trans actress to win the Best Actress Award at the Cannes Film Festival last week, Karla Sofía Gascón —whom we should note is an Aries — capped her stirring call for a rejection of anti-trans bigotry with a a boldly hopeful mic-drop line “Let’s see if you bastards change.” Absolutely iconic! In my mind, these immortal words immediately joined the lexicon of legendary utterances to stand alongside (or even above) David Lynch’s 2017 Twin Peaks: The Return declaration that “clown comic” transphobes can “fix their hearts or die.”

“Let’s see if you bastards change.” Damn. So far, sadly, at least one notable representative of the bastards has proven to have not changed much, misgendering Gascón and belittling her historic win, but what a rebelliously optimistic challenge to the tired old wave of hatred she correctly predicted! I’ll be thinking about her words for a long, long time.

Aries is still healing, BTW, building the world y’all want to live in and coming up with ever more effective ways to express yourself.

What the stars are up to:
  • Uranus is in your sign.
  • Mercury leaves your sign and moves to Gemini.
  • Your sign ruler Venus is in Gemini.
  • The Sun passes through conjunction with Venus.
  • The waning crescent Moon in your sign squares off against Pluto, forms sextiles with Saturn and Neptune, and passes through conjunction with Uranus.
  • Mars leaves Aries and enters your sign.
What it means:

You’re in for a very productive week! You’re a little cranky about making the effort, maybe, and you certainly don’t want to talk about it, but you know exactly what you need to do to get the changes you want and you’ll definitely find creative ways to make them happen. You’re becoming your ultimate self lately, ascending to a previously unattainable level of personal understanding. At the end of the week, expect a surge of energy when motivational Mars moves from Aries to your sign.

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